Forever and Always


New Member

Modo isn't optional but necessary. Or omnimodis/omnibus modis.

Personally, to keep Decimus' "symetry" with te in the middle, I'd put it like this: in perpetuum omnibus te modis semperque amabo. I will love you forever in all ways and always.

This is perfect! Thank you all for your help and quick replies.


Vemortuicida strenuus

  • Civis Illustris

  • Patronus

tibi placeat



  • Aedilis

Civitates Coniunctae
This is perfect! Thank you all for your help and quick replies.

No problem. I think that a good English translation of that one would be something like, "I will love you always and forever, unconditionally." I know that unconditionally does not mean "in every manner possible", but, in my opinion, it is a good English version of what you are trying to convey. The sentence is letting the person know that you will love them in all ways that it is possible to love another person, which, in a sense, means that the love for the person is not dependent on anything or on any particular state of being. So, in my opinion, when translating it over into English, "unconditionally" sounds really nice and conveys the general point.