Tattoo Remember who you are



Homo Sapiens

  • Civis Illustris

in orbe lacteo
Memento qui sis.

I took "who you are" as something more like "what kind of person you are".


Homo Sapiens

  • Civis Illustris

in orbe lacteo
"Memento quis es" — that "es" should be "sis" in classical Latin. However either way this literally means "remember who you are" as in remembering what your name is, etc. – literally who you are. However I suspect what you want is more what kind of person you are.

"Memento qui tu es" — again the "es" should be "sis" in classical Latin. The "tu" is fine but unnecessary.


New Member

"Memento quis es" — that "es" should be "sis" in classical Latin. However either way this literally means "remember who you are" as in remembering what your name is, etc. – literally who you are. However I suspect what you want is more what kind of person you are.

"Memento qui tu es" — again the "es" should be "sis" in classical Latin. The "tu" is fine but unnecessary.

I love the old Latin, as old as possible, that keeps the words a little bit mystery not many people know it. Thanks so very much, that's exactly what I need for a tattoo. I like the term "remember who you are" like the meaning in Lion King -
(please check it out if you don't know it). How do you think in this case, should I use "Memento qui sis" as a tattoo? Thanks.


Homo Sapiens

  • Civis Illustris

in orbe lacteo
I would recommend "memento qui sis".