21st-century latin literature?


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Thanks for those alternate takes! I'm curious, though, as to why you chose to translate Taylor Swift's name literally. Usually, with personal names, approximate phonological Latinization seems to be the best approach.

Then of course, there's always pseudo-reconstruction from modern Romance, as I did with Man of Steel. English steel = Spanish aciero, French acier, Italian acciaio, hence roughly hypothetical Latin acerus or acerum (although, given the Italian form, something like acciaeus might be just as plausible). Alternatively, we could opt for a descriptive morphological composite such as carboferrum, since steel is essentially iron with a bit of carbon (in the form of coal, I think) mixed in, which might be the better option given the potential for confusion with maple that you pointed out.

The adjective disneianus, -a, -um is one of my favorites, since it combines multiple adaptation methods. First, I call the man himself something like Gualtierus Disneius (so one might go on vacation to Gualtieri Disneii Mundus). The first name works roughly backwards from Spanish Gualterio, French Gaultier, and Italian Gualtiero, all cognates of English "Walter." Second, the surname Disneius is a fairly straightforward phonological approximation (with a bit of spelling influence). Thirdly, the adjectival suffix -anus/a/um gets added to the stem. So in one coinage (or rather, pair of closely related coinages), we have backwards derivation from Romance, phonological adaptation, and the use of an attested classical affix in a novel but plausible way.

I know I probably sound really eccentric, and someone with a deeper knowledge of Latin morphology could probably come up with more plausible coinages than I can, but for me, it's just fun to rebel against the typical perception of Latin as a dead language with little or no resources for any creative use. In the spirit of Halloween, perhaps another worthy example might be my pseudo-Linnaean names for classic creatures of contemporary macabre mythology. A vampire is a Necranthropus haematophagus, while a zombie is a Necranthropus encephalophagus.

Tom Cotton

New Member

I have history when it comes to ‘Latin’ names for characters. I’ve invented quite a lot over the years, and been unashamedly arbitrary about it, finding some easier than others and occasionally being unable to resist something perhaps more apposite than appropriate. The vocabulary notes from the published editions to each of my translations give a more comprehensive indication.

In my most recent Superbia et Odium, for example, Darcy and Bingley are Darceius and Bingleius, while Mr Collins becomes Collina, after a famous Italian football referee. To make life easier, I also used Hr (for honestior) and Mra (matrona) for Mr and Mrs. In Captivus Zendae, Fritz von Tarlenheim becomes Fridericus Tarlenianus, etc, and in Fundus Animalium I used Niviglobus (Snowball) and Arcifer (Boxer).

I could easily see how you came to use acerum for steel, but couldn’t resist a little joke about it (but the composition of steel is far more complicated than you suggest just try googling ‘steel specifications’).

However, I am much pickier when it comes to syntax, so I should like to alter the word order that I used to:
Gelata bene, sed cinematographum Pulchra Bestiaque disneianum magis delectat
( and might not Pulchra et Bestia be a little better?)


New Member

I'm working on a historic docudrama for education and the actors will present in Latin as that was the language at the time and in the region we are covering. I have a little bit of dialogue that needs translating. I'd like to know what would be reasonable to pay and some recommendations for a translator. I need to turn it around quickly. It is as someone mentioned here somewhat conversational phrases that need to be translated. I can send entire script to put it in context.



  • Aedilis

I would charge USD 0.15 per source word.


New Member

I wouldn't charge at all for anything less than 500 words.
I'd love to send you one of my scenes- could you email me? [email protected]

I wouldn't charge at all for anything less than 500 words.

I hope to have the actors say these lines in Latin in a docudrama next week.
Augustine is arguing with his mother she says the Manicheans have cast a spell on him. MONICA says:
O insensate Augustine! Quis tu fascinavit non obedire veritate?
To translate:
Augustine: It's not a spell. It's philosophy.

Augustine Presents himself to the emperor. To translate:
Augustine: I am here to serve you and Milan.

Ponticianus tells two friends the story of Anthony. To translate: He left the world of traditional life and pursued God deep within himself. He went far into the desert and prayed. He sought God with his whole being. He was able to see the important things clearly.

Alypius has read a book with his friend. To translate: It's good. Isn't it? Now is the time to commit.
There has been the rare Latin composition in the past 100 years or so, and by this I mean the exchange between St. Giovanni Calabria and C. S. Lewis, and less modern works such as those of Bishop Jacques Amyot, John Milton, and Vincent Bourne. The Vatican website has innumerable texts, old and modern, in Latin available to be viewed, and is the only major institution that still conducts official business in it (ITC documents in particular can be hundreds of pages in length, while encyclical, exhortations, etc. are much, much shorter). Moreover, Ephemeris is a news service that posts all its articles in Latin. There's still hope! :)