Tense terminology


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

What are the perfect and imperfect tenses called in Greek, especially in ancient grammars like Dionysius Thrax's?

I notice Greek Wikipedia does not have an article on Ancient Greek grammar...


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

What are the perfect and imperfect tenses called in Greek, especially in ancient grammars like Dionysius Thrax's?

I notice Greek Wikipedia does not have an article on Ancient Greek grammar...
There are several names for some tenses (χρόνοι), depending on the author. I go with these ones that are still used today:

ἐνεστώς praesens
παρατατικός imperfectum
ἀόριστος aoristum
μέλλων futurum
συντετελεσμένος/συντελεστικὸς μέλλων futurum perfectum/exactum (if I remember correctly, it's not in Thrax's grammar)
παρακείμενος perfectum
ὑπερσυντέλικος plusquamperfectum