71.7 - what case is vivo here?

Phoebus Apollo

Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

omne genus enim poma volo sint circa cineres meos, et vinearum largiter. valde enim falsum est vivo quidem domos cultas esse non curari eas, ubi diutius nobis habitandum est.

I can't tell whether its datve (which would make the domos cultas esse phrase a dative of possession) or ablative (something like 'it is a big mistake for there to be decorated houses while a man is alive')


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

I read it as:
Surely it is a great mistake to furnish houes for the living (dative of agent), yet (to him) give no care to (those houses) where we are to dwell far far longer [=after death]



  • Aedilis

It's a dative of possession or possibly reference. I don't think it's a dative of agent.