78.3 - how to translate futurum?

Phoebus Apollo

Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

statim ampullam nardi aperuit omnesque nos unxit et 'spero'
inquit 'futurum ut aeque me mortuum iuvet tamquam vivum.'

It seems to me that futurum could be taken out and the sentence means the same thing? I'm not quite sure how it fits in - does anyone know what it means literally/refers to? I can only think that it agrees with 'me', so: 'I hope that this delights me as much/equally in the future when I'm dead as it does when I'm alive'


Homo Sapiens

  • Civis Illustris

in orbe lacteo
"futurum (esse)/fore ut" = "it will happen that" - just a circumlocution for the future tense in indirect statement.

"spero futurum ut Caesar vincat" - "I hope that Caesar will win"
"spero futurum ut aeque iuvet" - "I hope it will delight me as much", lit. "I hope that it will happen that it will delight me as much"

Phoebus Apollo

Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

"futurum (esse)/fore ut" = "it will happen that" - just a circumlocution for the future tense in indirect statement.

"spero futurum ut Caesar vincat" - "I hope that Caesar will win"
"spero futurum ut aeque iuvet" - "I hope it will delight me as much", lit. "I hope that it will happen that it will delight me as much"
thank you!