Aeneid II Scansion sanity check

Salve kindly people who give up their own free time to assist people like me.

I am having a little (!) difficulty with scansion. I understand the concept, and even feel as though I understand the application, but in trying to make these two lines from Aeneid II fit the metre, I have had to really push the boundaries and effectively bodge long syllables where I am not confident they belong. I'm not sure I know exactly what constitutes cheating here; if I place the whole line with my attempt at a solution is that cheating? I will start with trying to highlight the areas with which I was least happy, but if it doesn't make sense, please let me know and I will post the rest of my solution...

I am looking at Aeneid II line 248-249.

I have come up with a solution that follows the pattern of:
S - D - D - D - D - TR
D - S - S - S - D - TR

(where D is dactyl, S is spondee and TR is trochee)
However in order to achieve this I have had to make 'velamus' comprise all long vowels.
I am also not sure if 'deum' should count as having two vowels or one diphthong. If deum should be one long syllable not a short-long then the metre doesn't fit unless 'delubra' comprises all long vowels. I fear I have fallen foul of the temptation to make the lines do what I want them to do rather than what they actually do! If someone can help, I would be mightily grateful.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

  • Patronus

hope this helps
red letters are stressed(therefore long)
'deum' has two vowels
'velamus' comprises only long vowels.

nos dēlubră dĕum mĭsĕri, quĭbŭs ultĭmŭs essĕt
illĕ dĭes, fēsta uēlamūs frondĕ pĕr urbem.