ancient latin speaking game/interviews of special interest


New Member

i have started uploading a series called interviews on mt ulympus - apello me. the material is very interetsting interviews from sometime between 1930-1960 that deserves furthur translation and explanation. i was hoping someone with the skill could translate interview numbers 7 and 9 most importantly. the first five are characters such as christopher columbus, red riding hood, etc.. but the interviews that start at 6 are of gods/dieties... would be more interested in what they are saying.

from what i can tell its a game. the first five are easy enugh because theres anough english to tell who the guest is so i can say yes its for fun and a game. but after the first five interviews it gets more latin based and virtually impossible to tell who the guests are without knowing latin... thats what makes the game theory a little more hard to follow.

either way im hoping some latin experts atleast enjoy the interviews, and can tell me more about what is being said. ive posted an interview on this forum before and had some interesting responses. so i decided to load them all
heres a link to the youtube channel

P.s. i havent finished uploading them all yet, but will so in the next day or so.



  • Censor

Kitami, Hokkaido, Japan
Apella me - "Name me"

Dialogue starting from "Salve":

Host - Salve, amice! - meaning "Welcome, friend!"
Host - Uhm, who are you... Quis es? - the "Quis es" is "Who are you", of course.
Guest - Quis sum? - "Who am I?"
Guest - Tu nescis quis sum? - "You don't know who I am?"
H - No, I-I don't know who you are.
H - Te non cognovi. - "I don't know you"
G - Nauta sum. - "I am a sailor"
H - Nauta es? - "You're a sailor?"
G - Sic, nauta sum. - "Yes, I am a sailor"
H - Let's see now, how many ships, ah, Quot naves habes? - The last part is "How many ships do you have?"
G - Quot naves? Tres!

At this point, I think it is Columbus.

H - Tres naves? - "Three ships?"
H - Oh, yeah... suntne magnae naves? - "Oh, yeah... are they large ships?"
G - Non sunt magnae, sunt parvae. - "They aren't large, they're small"
H - Well then, tres naves parvas habes... - "You have three small ships..."
H - Bene, now I what I want to ask you is 'do you have much money' ? - The "bene" is "good"
G - Non intellego! - "I don't understand!"
H - Excuse me, excuse me... uh...
H - Te rogare volo 'habesne multam pecuniam? ' - "What I want to ask you is ' do you have much money? "

G - Mine rogas? - "You ask [how much] I have?" - lit. "To me, you ask?" - I'm not sure that "mine" is what he said, though.
G - Non multam pecuniam habeo, sed mihi est satis pecuniae. - "I don't have much money, but I have enough of it."
H - Uhm, who gave you the money? Quis tibi pecuniam illam dedet? - "Who gave you that money?"
G - Quis mihi pecuniam debet? Regina mihi pecuniam dedet. - "Who gave me the money? The queen gave me the money."
H - Regina? Well, what do you know, a queen!
H - Well what country was she queen of? I mean...
H - Quae regina? Cuius nationis erat regina? - "Which queen? Which country was she queen of?"
G - Erat regina Hispaniae. - "She was the queen of Spain"
H - Hispania, huh? Well what was the queen's name?
H - Quid erat nomen illius reginae? - "What was the name of that queen?"
G - Nomen illius reginae erat Isabella. - "The name of that queen was Isabella"
H - Isabella... Vbi erat rex Hispaniae? - "Isabella... Where was the king of Spain?
H - Eratne rex quoque Hispaniae? - This could be understood a few ways. "Was there also a king of Spain?" or "Was the king also in Spain?" or "Was the king also Spanish?" - it's probably the first.

G - Certe erat rex Hispaniae. - "Of course there was a king of Spain."
H - [???Quid erat???] nomen illius regis? - the first words are hard to understand, but the question is "What was the name of that king?"

G - Nomen illius regis erat Ferdinandi. - "The name of that king was Ferdinand"
H - Rex igitur Hispaniae erat Ferdinandi? - "Then the king of Spain was Ferdinand?"

Now, I laughed out loud at the next few lines:

G - Immo vero non Ferdinandi, o stupide... - "His name was, in fact, not Ferdinandi, stupid..."
G - ...sed Ferdinandus! Ferdinandi est in casu genitivo, sed Ferdinandus est in casu nominativo. - "...but Ferdinandus! Ferdinandi is in the genitive (possessive) case, but Ferdinandus is in the nominative (subjective) case."

H - Okay, okay, so I'm stupid. I was just asking!
H - Ferdinandus erat rex Hispaniae. - "Ferdinand was the king of Spain."
G - Sic erat, Ferdinandus, non Ferdinandi. - "Yes, it was Ferdinandus, not Ferdinandi."
H - Okay, okay, [???]. - I can't tell what he's saying here.
H - Responde mihi, now tell me... - Literally "Answer me". It sounded like there was another word, but I don't know.
H - Vbi natus es? Where were you born? - Exactly as he translates it.
G - Hm?
H - Vbi natus es?
G - O, o, in Italia natus sum. - "Oh, oh, I was born in Italy."
H - In qua urbe Italiae natus es? - "In which town of Italy were you born?"
G - Genoae. - "In Genoa"
G - Genoa urbs est in litore maris mediterranei... - "Genoa is a city on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea..."
G - habet magnum portum. - "...and it has a large port."
H - That's a fact, that's a fact.
H - Illa urbs est in litore maris mediterranei, et habet magnum portum... - "That city is..." etc.
H - Oh, sure, sure. Well, a few more questions now.
H - Etiam [???] te rogare volo. - More or less saying "A few more questions".
H - Where did you do[?] your sailing? Vbi navigavisti? - The last part is, of course, "Where did you sail?"
G - Vbi navigavi? Certe in Oceano Atlantico navigavi. - "Where did I sail? Certainly I sailed on the Atlantic Ocean."
H - A quo portu navigavisti? A quo portu profectus es? - "From which port did you sail? From which port did you begin?"
G - Profectus sum Gadibus. Gadibus navigavi. - "I started from Cádiz. I sailed from there."
H - Gadibus? Quae urbs est illa? Gadibus... - "Gadibus? What city is that? Gadibus..."
G - Non Gadibus [some stuff I couldn't make out] Gades! - "Not Gadibus, Gades (Cádiz)!"
G - Gadibus est in casu ablativo! Gades est in casu nominativo! - "Gadibus is in the ablative case! Gades is in the nominative!"
G - Numero plurale, semper. - "It is always in the plural."
H - Alright, alright, Gades... Cádiz, that's it, Cádiz.
H - Now, what land did you sail to?
H - Ad quam terram navigavisti? - "To which land did you sail?"
G - Tu es stulte, mi amice. [something I couldn't understand] - "You are stupid, my friend"
G - Nunc, apella me. Apella me! - "Now, name me. Name me!"
G - Ego ad Americam navigavi! Apella me, stultissime! - "I sailed to America! Name me, oh most stupid one!"


New Member

oh wow. you did such a great job. cant wait to be able to understand the whole interview. thank you!



  • Censor

Kitami, Hokkaido, Japan
Glad to help, thank you for posting it!

Where did you find these? You said the game theory was hard to follow, but I think they were originally intended for Latin students - it's good practice.

Interesting, I found a reference to this online.


New Member

yeah i guess thats exactly what they are for students. i could never find anything about them online. they are still very interesting. thanks for your research.



  • Censor

Kitami, Hokkaido, Japan
No problem, I'll see if I can take a crack at the other ones later, if no one beats me to it. The later ones (based on a few seconds of listening) seem hard to understand, but I'm sure that we can figure them out.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Here's the second one. The audio quality distorts it somewhat, but thankfully the speakers often say their lines in both languages (making reconstruction possible).


Salve puella!
"Hello, little girl!"

Quid agis hodie, mi mel?
"How are you doing today, sweetheart?"

Satis bene, et quid agis tu?
"Well enough, and how are you doing?"

Quid ago ego?
"How am I doing?"

Visne pauca mihi respondere?
"Do you want to answer a few (questions) for me?"

Cur non volo?
"Why (would) I not want to?"

Ubi habitas, parva puella?
"Where do you live, little girl?"

Habito in casa.
"I live in a cottage."

Ubi est casa tua?
"Where is your cottage?"

Casa mea est in silvis- in magnis silvis.
"My cottage is in a forest- a vast forest."

Tu habitas in casa in magnis silvis? Iam intellego.
"You live in a cottage in a vast forest? Now I understand."

Suntne animalia? Suntne bestiae in silvis?
"Are there animals? Are there wild creatures in the forest?"

Bestiae semper sunt in silvis. Multae bestiae. Et magnae bestiae et parvae bestiae.
"There are always animals in the forest. Many animals. Both large animals and small."

Bestiae cuius generis? Lupi?
"Animals of what kind? Wolves?

Sic, sunt lupi in silvis nostris
"Yes, there are wolves in our forest."

Ursi etiam?
"(Are) there bears too?"

Sic, sunt lupi in silvis nostris
"Yes, there are bears in our forest."

Habitasne cum mamma et tata?
"Do you live with your mommy and daddy?"

Cum mamma et tata sic habito.
"I do indeed live with my mommy and daddy."

Visne me aliquid narrare de factis tuis in silvis?
"Do you want to tell me something about your affairs in the forest?"

Cur non narrare volo? Visne me aliquid rogare?
"Why (would) I not want to tell you? Do you want to ask me something?"

In silvis olim ambulavisti
"Have you ever taken a walk in the forest?"

Sic, olim ambulavi in silvis.
"Yes, I once took a walk in the forest."

Quota hora diei ambulavisti in parva? Multo mane?
"At what hour of the day did you walk? (Was it) very early?"

Ipsa ambulavi in silvis multo, multo mane. Prima luce.
"I walked in the forest very, very early. At first light."

Perge sic.
"Go on."

Ecce, ecce! In mediis silvis parvam casam vidi. Per ianuam spectavi.
"Listen, listen! In the middle of the forest I saw a small cottage. I peered through the door."

Ah, per ianuam spectavisti. Et quid deinde vidisti in ea parva casa?
"Ah, so you looked through the door. And what did you then see in the small cottage?"

Vidi mensam.
"I saw a table."

Tu vidisti mensam? Sic et...?
"You saw a table? And so...?"

Et sellas tres.
"And (also) three chairs."


Erant omnes eiusdam magnitudinis?
"Were they all of the same size?"

Nullo modo. Erat sella magna..."
"By no means. There was a large chair..."

Sella magna?
"A large chair?"

et erat sella parva..."
"...and there was a small chair..."

Sella parva?
"A small chair?"

et sella non magna non parva sed mediae magnitudinis..."
"...and a chair neither large nor small but of medium size."

Iam teneo. Tu vidisti mensam et sellas tres. Dic iam mihi quid erat in mensa?
"Now I understand. You saw a table and three chairs. Now tell me, what was on the table?"

"Patellae tres erant in mensa."
"There were three bowls on the table."

Te longe antecurro. Erat in mensa magna patella...
"I'm far ahead of you. There was a large bowl on the table..."

-Together- parva patella et patella mediae magnitudinis
"...and a small bowl, and a bowl of medium size."

Quid erat in patellis?
"What was in the bowls?"



Quid nunc de pulte illa? Quid fecisti de illa pulte?
"What of the porridge now? What did you do about it?"

Gustavi pultem illam.
"I tried the porridge."

Qualis erat gustus?
"How was its taste?"

Patella prima erat calida. Illam non amavi.
"The first bowl was hot. I didn't like it."

Quid deinde fecisti?
"What did you do then?"

Gustavi ex altera patella. Frigida erat. Illam non amavi.
"I tried (the porridge) from the second bowl. It was cold. I didn't like it."

Quid deinde fecisti?
"What did you do then?"

Gustavi tertiam patellam. Gustus erat bonum*
"I tried the third bowl. The taste was pleasing."

*should've been bonus

Quid deinde fecisti?
"What did you do then?"

E tertia illa patella media omnem pultem comedi.
"I ate all of the porridge from the middle of the third bowl."

Et deinde?
"And then?"

Somniculosa eram.
"I was sleepy."

Et deinde?
"And then?"

Scalas ascendi.
"I climbed the stairs."

Ibi quid egisti?
"What did you do there?"

Vidi lectos tres. Et magnum lectum...
"I saw three beds. Both a large bed..."

-Together- parvum lectum et lectum mediae magnitudinis.
"...and a small bed, and a bed of medium size."

Et lectum mediae magnitudinis. Lectus magnus erat durus. Illum non amavi. Lectus parvus erat molissimus. Illum non amavi. Lectus medius erat pulcher. Illum magnopere amavi. Tum dormivi, tum dormivi.
"And a bed of medium size. The large bed was hard. I didn't like it. The small bed was very soft. I didn't like it. The medium bed was nice. I liked it very much. Then I slept, then I slept (snoring)."

Exsurrecta es?
"You were awoken?"

Exsurrecta sum ab ursis tribus!
"I was awoken by three bears!"

"(Surely) not!"

Sic ab ursis tribus. Et tata ursus et mamma ursa et ursus parvus.
"Indeed, by three bears. (There was) a daddy bear, a mommy bear, and a small bear."

Et quid deinde tandem fecisti?
"And what did you finally do?"

De scalis descendi et ex casa ut ??uxorem trium ut viam casam meam securum vi?? Et numquam postea in silvam ambulavi sine mamma et tata. Et nunc, mi amice, apella me. Apella me.
"I went down from the stairs and ??? from the house to ???. And I have never ventured into the forest afterward without mommy and daddy. And now, my friend, name me. Name me.

edit- Correction made. I originally heard sellas (chairs) as cellas (rooms)


New Member

great translation thank you. i posted the rest of them. it seems some of the more interesting ones are 6 thru 11 the last interview, the announcer is led off to be jailed in the tenth legions. not sure what thats all about.



  • Censor

Kitami, Hokkaido, Japan
Sorry to let this die. Here's the next.


The guest in this one sounds a little unprepared, but she didn't do bad. Starting from the first Latin line:

Host - Salve, dominula! - "Hello, little lady!"
Host - I hope you're well... Ut vales? - "How are you?"
Guest - Certe valeo. Et tu? - "I'm quite well. And you?"
H - Et me? I mean, uh, ego, ah...
H - Ego quoque valeo. - "I am also well."

H - Very nice of you to ask... Benigne rogas. - "You ask kindly."
H - Iam visne et mihi et audientibus radiophonicis pauca respondere? - Now would you mind answering a few questions to me and the radio[?] audience?
G - O, libenter respondebo. - "Oh, I'll gladly answer."
H - Oh, bene, yes, so primo... - ". . . good . . . firstly . . ."
H - Dominula, primo: ubi habitas? - "Little lady, firstly: where do you live?"

G - Habito in parva casa. - "I live in a small cottage."
H - Ubi est illa casa parva? - "Where is that small cottage?"
H - In urbe? In vico? In agro? In insula? - "In the city? In a village? On a farm? On an island?"
G - Immo, in silvis. - "Actually, it's in the woods."
H - Ladies and gentlemen, the girls on this program all live in the woods. This seems to be getting to be a habit. Well now, miss...

H - Suntne ursi tres in tuis silvis? - "Are there three bears in your woods?"
G - Ursos ego nunquam vidi, - "I have never seen bears,"
G - sed multas alias bestias vidi in silvis meis. - "but I have seen many other beasts in my woods."
H - Very interesting, indeed... Now, you were going to tell me that, uh..."
H - Agedum, dominula, mihi narratura eras fabulam dei fatis tui. - "Now, little lady, you were about to tell me of your fateful day."

H - At primo, quisnam habitat tecum in illa parva casa? - "But first, who lives with you in that small cottage?"
G - Mamma mecum habitat in illa parva casa mea. - "Mother lives with me in my small cottage."
H - Aliusne? - "Anyone else?"
G - Nemo, nemo, nam pater meus iam mortuus est. - "Nobody, no one, for my father is dead now."
H - Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, awfully sorry.

H - [???] dolor. - "[???] sorrow." - It sounds like quo dolor, but I can't make sense of that.
H - Habesne, I mean, uh, habesne any other relatives? - "Habesne" is "Do you have?"
H - Habesne alios propinquos? - "Do you have any other relatives?"
H - An uncle? Ah, Avunculus? - "Avunculus" specifically refers to the brother of one's mother. In context, it should be "avunculum", but I'll cut the guy some slack.
H - Let's see, a grandmother? Aviam, fortasse? - "A grandmother, perhaps?", of course. English dialogue must be his way of introducing unfamiliar words.

G - Sic habeo aviam. - "Yes, I have a grandmother."
H - Ubi habitat avia tua? Tecum? - "Where does your grandmother live? With you?"
G - Immo, avia in altera parva casa habitat, sola. - "Actually, my grandmother lives in another small cottage, alone." She accidentally pronounced "avia" with an English V.
H - In silvis quoque? - "Also in the woods?"
G - In silvis, non longe a casa nosta, nam est via per silvas ad casam aviae. - "In the woods, not far from our house, for there is a path through the woods to grandmother's house.

H - Is your grandmo- is your grandmother in good health? Let's see now, uh, Latin...
H - Valetne avia? - "Is your grandmother well?"
G - Avia mea non valet, aegra est. - "My grandmother is not well, she is ill."
G - Ambulare non potest. In lecto manet. - "She can't walk - she remains in bed [is bedridden]."
H - You mean the old lady has to stay in bed? Oh dear... do you take food, uh...

H - Cibum - Portasne cibum ad eius casam? - "Food - Do you take food to her house?"
G - Cibum sic cotidie porto ad casam aviae. - "Yes, I carry food to my grandmother's house every day."
H - Nonne periculosum est in silvis? - "Isn't it dangerous in the woods?"
G - O, certe periculosum est. - "Oh, it's definitely dangerous."
G - Nunc tibi de illo periculo fabulam narrabo. Attentus sis. - "Now I will tell you a story about that danger. Pay attention."

G - Olim mamma cibum aviae praeparavit. - "One day Mother prepared Grandmother's food." - "praeparavit" seems badly mispronounced.
G - Mihi dixit mamma: Porta hoc cibum ad casam aviae. - "Mother told me: Take this food to Grandmother's house."
G - Ambula per silvas. Via non est longa. - "Walk through the woods. The path isn't long."
H - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
H - Tu cibum portabat. Tu ambulabat per silvas. Deinde quid? - "You were taking the food. You were walking through the woods. Then what?"

G - Lupum vidi. - "I saw a wolf."
H - Non! Lupum dixisti? - "No! A wolf, you say?"
G - Sic, dixi lupum. Ecce, vidi lupum magnum malum! - "Yes, I said 'a wolf'. Behold, I saw a big, bad wolf!"
H - Qid tibi dixit lupus magnus malus? - "What did the big, bad wolf say to you?"
G - Lupus mihi dixit: Quo ambulas, mi parva puella, mi puella pulchra? - "The wolf said to me: To where are you walking, my little girl, my pretty girl?"

H - Tu quid dixisti lupo? - "What did you say to the wolf?"
G - Ego dixi: Ambulo per silvas ad casam aviae meae. - "I said: I am walking through the woods to my grandmother's house."
G - Avia mea non... avia mea aegra est. - "My grandmother is not... my grandmother is ill." - I wonder if this line was a slip-up...
G - Porto cibum quod mamma meae aviae praeparavit. - "I am taking food that Mother prepared for my grandmother."
H - Quid. . .dixit lupus? - "What did the wolf say?" - The words between quid and dixit sound like "illud ita", but they don't make sense to me.

G - Lupus mihi dixit... - "The wolf said to me..."
G - Vale, puella pulchra parva! - "Farewell, pretty little girl!" - followed by evil laughter, naturally.
H - That's a nasty laugh if ever I've heard one.
H - Quid deinde fecit lupus? - "What did the wolf do then?"

At this point, it's too noisy in my house to hear what's being said. If anyone wants to continue from here, feel free. If not, I'll try to get back to it.