Andria 151 - 163



  • Aedilis

Hello! If any comments...

SI. "tute ipse his rebu' finem praescripsti, pater:
prope adest quom alieno more vivendumst mihi:
sine nunc meo me vivere interea modo."
SO. qui igitur relictus est obiurgandi locus?
SI. si propter amorem uxorem nolet ducere: 155
ea primum ab illo animum advortenda iniuriast;
et nunc id operam do, ut per falsas nuptias
vera obiurgandi causa sit, si deneget;
simul sceleratu' Davo' siquid consili
habet, ut consumat nunc quom nil obsint doli; 160
quem ego credo manibu' pedibu'que obnixe omnia
facturum, magis id adeo mihi ut incommodet
quam ut obsequatur gnato. SO. quapropter?

SI. "You yourself predetermined an end to this (I know he's talking about the marriage and he wants to say his father determined the future end of his son's current way of life but I don't know how to say that) father: I soon shall have to live in an unfamiliar fashion; allow me to live in my own way in the meantime."
SO. What place for reprimand is there left then?
SI. If he refuses to marry because of his love: that wrongdoing of his must firt be punished; and I now apply myself to make so that through a false marriage there be a real reason for reprimand, if he refuses it; at the same time if the sinful Davos has any plan, let him employ it now while the plot is no hindrance; he who I believe is going to do resolutely everything that is in his power, that more in order to cause me trouble than to oblige my son.
SO. Why?


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

  • Patronus

Line 151
tute ipse his rebu' finem praescripsti, pater
you yourself, father, have ordained that these things must end. [?]

Line 160
quom nil obsint doli

While his plots can do no harm