Can anyone translate this 1600s english manuscript?




  • Censor

  • Patronus

litore aureo
I think that it is Charles I. If you could post a higher resolution image it would be helpful. The current is also a bit blurry on the bottom lines.


Vemortuicida strenuus

  • Civis Illustris

  • Patronus

I like your spider.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

I think it is a confirmation by Charles I ("Carolus dei gra(tia) Anglie Scocie ffrancie & hib(er)nie Rex") of a sale of land in Froyle and Coldrey ("in ffroile & Colrey") made by Thomas Leigh and his wife Mary ("maria") to Sir Humprey May ("humfro may") and his wife Judith, in whose possession it is to remain after his death ("& ... post eius decessum Judithe modo uxori predicti humfri"). The charter is dated 9 October 1629 ("nono die Octobris Anno regni nostri quinto").
At first I couldn't make out exactly what the roles of the different agents were, but I guess it's the same transaction as the one mentioned here: ("his descendants retained Coldrey till 1629, when Thomas Leigh sold the property to Sir Humphrey May").


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

OK, this is a first attempt at lines 2-10. Both transcription and translation will doubtless contain many mistakes, but it's a start:

SCIATIS qd’ nos de gra’ nra’ spali’ ac p’ tresdecim solid’ & octo denar’ solut’ ffirmar’ nro’ virtute // lrar’ paten’ dni’ Jacobi nup’ Regis Anglie concessim’ & licen’ dedim’ ac p’ nob’ hered’ & success’ nris’ quantum in nob’ est // p’ p’sentes concedim’ & licen’ dam’ dilcis’ nob’ Thome leigh Armigo’ & marie vxi’ eius qd’ ipi’ viginti & quinq’ acr’ // terr’ arrabil’ prati & pasture cum p’tin’ scituat’ & existen’ in ffroile & Colrey in Com’ nro’ Sutht’ ac omes’ & omimod’ // decimas cuiuscunq’ nature sunt p’uenien’ crescen’ & renouan’ in vel sup’ p’miss’ in ffroile ac in vel sup’ vn’ Claus’ in ffroile // p’dict’ parcell’ terr’ dnicas’ maner’ de Colerey in dco’ Com’ Sutht’ Que de nobis tenent’ in Capite vt dicit’ dare possint // & concedere alienare aut cognoscere p’ finem vel per recup’atioem’ in Cur’ nra’ coram justic’ nris’ de Banco aut aliquo // alio modo quocunq’ ad libit’ ipor’ Thome & marie p’dilco’ & fideli Conciliario nro’ humfro may militi HABENDUM & // tenend’ eidem humfro...

Know you that we, out of our special grace, and for thirteen shillings and eight pence, paid to our farmer, by virtue of the letter patent of our Lord James, the late King of England, have conceded and given license, and for us, our heirs and our successors, as much as is within us, we concede by the present letter, and give license to our beloved Squire Thomas Leigh and his wife Mary, that twenty-five acres of arable land, meadows and pastures with their belongings, situated and existing in Froyle and Coldrey in our County of Southampton, and all tithes of every sort, of whichever nature they are, forthcoming, growing and renewing in or above the aforementioned in Froyle and in or above one enclosure in Froyle, of the aforesaid parcel the seigneurial lands of the manor of Coldrey in said County of Southampton, that are held from us as a fief, as it is said -- they can give and concede, or acknowledge by fine or by recovery in our Court before our Justices of the Common Pleas, or in any other way, at the pleasure of the same Thomas and Mary, to our much beloved and loyal Councillor Humphrey May, Knight, to be had and held by the same Humphrey...


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

This would be the entire Latin text of the charter written in full. Some parts of it seemed pretty formulaic and were relatively easy to transcribe, others are less clear, so be aware of possible transcription errors:

CAROLUS dei gratia Anglie Scocie ffrancie & hibernie Rex fidei defensor &cetera OMNIBUS ad quos presentes //
littere peruenerint salutem SCIATIS quod nos de gratia nostra speciali ac pro tresdecim solidis & octo denariis solutis firmario nostro virtute //
litterarum patentium domini Jacobi nuper Regis Anglie concessimus et licentiam dedimus ac pro nobis heredibus & successoribus nostris, quantum in nobis est //
per presentes concedimus & licentiam damus dilectis nobis Thome leigh Armigero & marie vxori eius quod ipsi viginti & quinque acras //
terre arrabilis prati & pasture cum pertinentibus scituatas & existentes in ffroile & Colrey in Comitatu nostro Southampton ac omnes & omnimodo //
decimas cuiuscunque nature sunt prouenientes crescentes & renouantes in vel super premissis in ffroile ac in vel super vna Clausura in ffroile //
predicte parcelle terras dominicas manerii de Colerey in dicto Comitatu Southampton Que de nobis tenentur in Capite vt dicitur dare possint //
& concedere alienare aut cognoscere per finem vel per recuperationem in Curte nostra coram justiciariis nostris de Banco aut aliquo //
alio modo quocunque ad libitum ipsorum Thome & marie predilecto & fideli Conciliario nostro humfro may militi HABENDUM & //
tenendum eidem humfro pro & durante termino vite sue naturalis & ab & immediate post eius decessum Judithe modo vxori predicti humfri //
pro & durante vita sua naturali & ab & immediate post decessum predicte Judithe rectis heredibus predicti humfri imperpetuum tenendum de nobis heredibus //
& successoribus nostris per seruitia inde debita & de iure Consueta Et eidem humfro quod ipse predicte terre tenementum & cetera premissa cum pertinentibus a prefatis //
Thoma & maria recipere possit & tenere sibi & assignare suis pro & durante termino vite naturalis remanere inde vlterius vt predicitur //
de nobis heredibus & successoribus nostris per seruitia predicta Sicut predictum est imperpetuum tenore presentium similiter licentiam dedimus ac pro nobis heredibus & successoribus //
nostris predictis damus specialem NOLENTES quod predicti Thomas & maria vel heredes sui aut prefati humfrus & Juditha vel heredes //
ipsius humfri ratione premissorum per nos heredes vel successores nostros aut per Justiciarios Escaetores vicecomites Balliuos aut alios officiarios //
seu ministros nostros aut dictorum heredum vel successorum nostrorum quoscunque inde occasionentur molestentur impetantur vexentur in aliquo seu //
grauentur nec eorum aliquis occasionetur molestetur impetatur vexetur in aliquo seu grauetur IN CUIUS rei testimonium //
has litteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes TESTE me ipso apud Westmonasterium nono die Octobris Anno regni nostri quinto ./. BATON


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

The second part of the text basically says that Sir Humphrey May can indeed receive the property, and that the present letter serves as a confirmation of this fact, ensuring that he and his heirs can continue to hold the property without molestation. Written at Westminster, 9 October 1629.