Curse of the Moon Thralls


New Member

Hi, for my Creative writing class we write stories based on three words we pick from a hat and we can perceive it anyway we like, mine were Werewolves, Latin, book. So I came up with a Werewolf book title but I don't know anyone who can translate it into Latin. Here's the title I need translated: Curse of the Moon Thralls
Thanks to anyone who can help :D


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

  • Patronus

dirae servorum lunae = the curse of the slaves of the moon.
To avoid the distracting possibility that it means 'the dire moons of the slaves' -- nonsense, certainly, but technically possible, perhaps you could use the Greek moon-goddess Phoebe:
dirae servorum Phoebes
But I can't be confident unless I really know what the curse is. Is it a curse inflicted by moon thralls? Or inflicted on them? Or are the moon thralls themselves the embodiment of a curse? Is it a curse that was actually spoken, or is it just a metaphor for a really really bad thing? Because if so, perhaps
lues lunae servientum = the plague of those enslaved by the moon


New Member

The curse refers to lycanthropy and the moon thralls (or slaves) are the werewolves themselves because they are swayed or controlled by the moon.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

  • Patronus

Yes, I understood that, but my question was: is the curse in question one that was inflicted on the werewolves (e.g. first they were human, then they got cursed with lycanthropy), or is the curse one embodied by werewolves and inflicted on the human race, as in, "Help! we are cursed with werewolves in our world". (The third possibility was that the werewolves had got angry with somebody and decided to target them with their curses, but that's probably not what you meant).

You might suspect that I'm being picky, but it makes a difference to the Latin.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

  • Patronus

This is a curiously tricky one. Sadly 'lues' won't work in the meaning that you intend. Indeed, it's 'curse' that has had me flummoxed, because you mean it in the sense of an enchantment.

lunae servi incantati = the enchanted slaves of the moon

If I write 'lunae servorum incantamentum', it sounds a bit like "the enchantment performed by the slaves of the moon', rather than 'the enchantment performed on the slaves of the moon'.


lunae servi devoti = the accursed slaves of the moon

'devoti' ultimately gives us the English 'devoted', but in Latin it tends to have a much more negative meaning of 'vowed to some infernal deity', and also, occasionally 'bewitched'.

Mind you, werewolves haven't so much been bewitched as contaminated. That might come out literally as

contagio sevorum lunae = the contagion of the slaves of the moon.

I don't feel I've absolutely nailed this -- probably 'devoti' is my favourite. Over to you.

Manus Correctrix


  • Civis Illustris

socratidion dixit:
contagio servorum lunae = the contagion of the slaves of the moon.

I like adjectives: contagio servorum lunarium.