Daedalus Atheniensis fuit artifex omnium notissimus...


New Member

Hi, I got homework to translate this text but I don't know anything... :S I'm also new to this forums so hello everyone! :) Can someone translate this text for me? I need it done for tommorow, the text is short and as far as I can tell its a story about Dedal and Icar. :) Sorry for my bad english, I'm 16 years old and english is not my mother language. :)

De Daedalo et Icaro

Daedalus Atheniensis fuit artifex omnium notissimus, qui multas artes a dea Athena accepisse dicitur multaque instrumenta invenisse. Is nepotem suum et adiutorem, qui primus serram invenerat, summo tecto deiecit, ira et invidia incensus. Ob id scelus, ut poenas subterfugeret, exul in insulam Cretam abiit, ubi Minos regnabat. Rex Daedalum rogavit ut Minotauro, monstro humano corpore et taurino capite, carcerem aedificaret. Sic artifex Labyrinthum fecit, aedificum permagnum, in quo innumerabiles errores et viae implicatae impediebant ne monstrum effugeret.
Please help, thanks in advance!



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litore aureo
Re: School Project, please help soon! :)

It is the story of Daedalus and Icarus, which has been paraphrased from Ovid's Metamorphoses VIII. Maybe if you look up the story it might give you some hints.


New Member

Re: School Project, please help soon! :)

I know, but I need was given a homework to trasnlate it. And I don't even know how to say "My name is FelixD" in latin. xD Please help...


New Member

Re: School Project, please help soon! :)

Well, we are not going to do your homework for you, and you apparently cannot do it for yourself. So, it will not be done. You will have to tell your teacher that you don’t know where to start. Who knows how you fell so far behind. A private tutor is probably your only solution.


New Member

Re: School Project, please help soon! :)

Problem is that if I dont do this homework, I fail the grade. Its a little complicated, in my country(serbia) we dont have "private teachers" and things like that. Teachers are not really teaching - they just give you what to study etc. I fell behind in Latin classes cause I changed the school last year and in my previous school, we didn't have Latin. So practicaly I missed 2 years of Latin studying. I just need help on this one. I tried using the dictionary but I fail at grammar correcting and I don't know what time is used when. :S Please help, I have 7 hours left for it.


New Member

Re: School Project, please help soon! :)

Ok, here's what I've done so far using dictionary(not online translator, but it will probably have as many mistakes as if I used the one lol :mrgreen: ). I'll be very very gratefull if someone could correct this text in the next 2 hours. Bold text is something I'm 99% sure its incorrect in some way.

Daedalus the Athenian was famous maker which said that many art he made, he accepted it from goddess of Athena. In anger and jelousy, when he saw his causins, who also was his apprentice, first great art, he burned him. Because of his crime, as a punishment he was banished to the island of Crete, where Minos rules. King asks Daedalus to make a jail for Minotaur, monstruos humanoid made from bull. So the maker, built a maze, including therefore countless deceptions and a road full of obstacles, so monster doesnt run away.
Please, help me finish this or I'll probably fail the grade...



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litore aureo
Re: School Project, please help soon! :)

Daedalus Atheniensis fuit artifex omnium notissimus, qui multas artes a dea Athena accepisse dicitur multaque instrumenta invenisse. Is nepotem suum et adiutorem, qui primus serram invenerat, summo tecto deiecit, ira et invidia incensus. Ob id scelus, ut poenas subterfugeret, exul in insulam Cretam abiit, ubi Minos regnabat. Rex Daedalum rogavit ut Minotauro, monstro humano corpore et taurino capite, carcerem aedificaret. Sic artifex Labyrinthum fecit, aedificum permagnum, in quo innumerabiles errores et viae implicatae impediebant ne monstrum effugeret.

Daedalus wasn't just a famous artisan, he was notissimus omnium
artes is more like skills or sciences
perhaps used learned for accepisse
dicitur means: It is said that
invenisse means invented
nepotem is nephew
serram is saw, ie a saw for cutting wood
He didnt burn his nephew he summo tecto deiecit, because he himself was ira et invidia incensus
He was not exiled for the crime, left ut poenas suterfugeret
regnabat is ruled, not rules
it is an aedificium permagnum


New Member

Re: School Project, please help soon! :)

Daedalus the Athenian wasn't just a famous artisan, It is said that many things he invented, he accepted it from goddess of Athena. In anger and jelousy, when he saw his nephews, who also was his apprentice, first great art, he burned him. Because of his crime, as a punishment he was banished to the island of Crete, where Minos ruled. King asks Daedalus to make a jail for Minotaur, monstruos humanoid made from bull. So the maker, built a maze, including therefore countless deceptions and a road full of obstacles, so monster doesnt run away.

Is it better now? And those bolded words, what do I do with them? Using this dictionary of mine, I get the same result... Tnx for help btw.

EDIT: Changed "rules" to "ruled". :)



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litore aureo
Re: School Project, please help soon! :)

No, it is no better. You need to reread the comments I made.
dicitur refers to both multas artes a dea... and multaque instrumenta.... that is what the que in multaque refers to

nepotem is singular not plural.

Consider what incensus means. Who is incensus. By what.

As I said, he was not banished, he abiit as an exul, ut poenas suberfugeret


New Member

Re: School Project, please help soon! :)

I'm having a fight with my dictionary at the moment :)

notissimus = well known, famous
omnium = everything, each
notissimus omnium = well known by all?

summo = end, last
tecto = protect, defend
deiecit = pushed
Summo tecto deiecit = ???
In the story about Dedal and Icar, he pushed his nephew over the cliff, but I dont know how to translate this... :(

aedificium = built, building
permagnum = great
aedificium permagnum = great building?

Daedalus the Athenian was famous maker well known by all, it is said that much science he invented, he learned it from the goddess of Athena. Because he was burning inside of anger and jelousy, when he saw his nephew first great art, who also was his apprentice, he Summo tecto deiecit. For his crime, in order to evade the punishment, he was exiled to Crete, where Minos ruled. King asked Daedalus to make a jail for Minotaur, monstruos humanoid made from bull. So the maker, built a maze, a great building, including therefore countless deceptions and a road full of obstacles, so monster doesnt run away.

Is it better now? Thanks for your help, its greatly appretiated. I'm just hoping I got it right this time... :]



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litore aureo
Re: School Project, please help soon! :)

I don't know where you are getting saw his nephew's first great art from.

The text is:
qui primus serram invenerat
invenio can mean to invent.

qui and primus both refer to nepotem

For the last time! Daedalus was not exiled to Crete. He abiit

Ob is not for, but on account of

notissiumus is superlative

what case is omnium? It cannot be by all.

summo means the top, e.g summa cum laude
tectum means roof, or here, a building

the last bit is clear enough, but you haven't translated impediebant. If you are translating to English, then run away is not the best phrase to use.


New Member

Re: School Project, please help soon! :)

Damn, I'm now confused even more. I'm havin an half an 'our more to finish this and then I must go. Can't you just correct my mistakes cause I simply dont get it... I dont know what a "superlative" is... If I translate this text good enough for the "2", which is worst positive mark here, i'm finished with latin in my whole life. I wont study it at the university, and what I get from this translation is my final mark for this year and in the next year I don't have latin as a subject. Maybe the biggest problem is that I'm translating from latin to serbian, then from serbian to english and then your corrections from english to serbian and then to latin lol. :) Please, can you just correct me. You see that I dont know anything, so whats the point in trying to make me finish it by myself when I clearly dont know it. :S Non omnia possumus omnes! :D



Re: School Project, please help soon! :)

that would be unfair towards your fellow students who have to come up with the solution on their own



Re: School Project, please help soon! :)

Cinefactus dixit:
I don't know where you are getting saw his nephew's first great art from.
he probably misunderstood your hint concerning saw (the tool) which he mixed up with he/she/it saw (the verb)


New Member

Re: School Project, please help soon! :)

Ok, is it better now? Sorry for the last post, I'm very very nervous at the moment. :S I still dont know what summo notissimus means, tried googling and all...

Daedalus the Athenian was famous maker well known by all, it is said that much science he invented, he learned it from the goddess of Athena. Because he was burning inside of anger and jelousy, when he saw his nephew invented saw, who also was his apprentice, he threw him from a top of the roof. On account of his crime, in order to evade the punishment, he departed to Crete, where Minos ruled. King asked Daedalus to make a jail for Minotaur, monstruos humanoid made from bull. So the maker, built a maze, a great building, including therefore countless deceptions and a road full of obstacles to prevent monster from exiting it.


New Member

Re: School Project, please help soon! :)

Bitmap dixit:
that would be unfair towards your fellow students who have to come up with the solution on their own
Not in this country... X)



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litore aureo
Re: School Project, please help soon! :)

It is not perfect, but fairly close.


New Member

Re: School Project, please help soon! :)

Ty very much, I couldn't have done this without you. Will come back to say results... :)



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Kitami, Hokkaido, Japan
Re: School Project, please help soon! :)

I'll go ahead and toss this in there, to help him make sense of your hints - notissimus is "most famous"/"best known" (superlative) and omnium is "of all" (genitive).