.... digne facit memoriam, quos hortatus est ad pugnam



  • Aedilis

I'm having trouble with a gloss concerning the word sedens in Rev. 4:2 Et statim fui in spiritu: et ecce sedes posita erat in caelo, et supra sedem sedens.

There are two different versions of the second half of the gloss, neither of which I understand:

Christus supra inter candelabra ambulans, hic autem sedens, id est merita singulorum diiudicans. Vnde digne facit horum (horum was written over with another ink and corrected to his) memoriam, quod hortatus est ad pugnam.

Above, Christ was walking among the candlesticks, and here he is sitting, that is, judging the merits of each one. Whence he appropriately reminds of those whom he exhorted to the fight (?).

Second version:

.... de quo digne facit his memoriam, quos hortatus est ad pugnam.
.... of which he appropriately reminds those whom he exhorted to the fight.

I don't know what that memory thing means or is referring to. He reminds them that he will judge them maybe? Not sure. Thanks for any help.