Erat autem Gundovaldo et Chariulfus valde dives ac...


New Member


i have a sentence

Chariulfus valde dives ac praepotens, cujus adpotecis ac prumtuariis urbi valde referta erant.

The word" adpotecis" and "prumtuariis" i can not understand their meanings, can you help me?

Thank you very much!


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Virginia, US
You can't understand their meanings because they don't appear to be words. My dictionary doesn't have them in any way, shape, or form.



  • Consularis

Chicago, IL
I think you've gotten a bad copy of Gregory of Tours history; the text in question should read Erat autem Gundovaldo et Chariulfus valde dives ac praepotens, cuius aphotecis ac prumptuariis urbs valde referta erat (Historiae VII.37; the discussion is about some siege).

Aphotecis - "warehouses" I think would have been written apothecis in classical times. Likewise, I think prumptuariis = promptuariis - "storehouses".

For students, Latin spelling could deviate in numerous ways from the classical standard, but the most common (IMO) changes to watch for are vowel changes (interchange of u/o and e/i and reduction of dipthong ae to e are particularly common), palatization (c for t) and confusion between voiced and unvoice consonants (b/p, d/t, c/g), and misplaced aspirate h. But this is at best a partial list.