"Family is my reason to rise and my only reason to fall"


New Member

Hi I am thinking about maybe:
"Saguis est surge causa mea
Saguis est cada causa mea"


"Saguis mea causa surgo
Solo sanguis mea causa cado"


"Sanguis surgere mea est
solus caredere mea est"

Thanks you very much for your comments



I don't know where you have those suggestions from, but they are all wrong.
Sanguis means blood ... I suppose it can mean "family" by the same metonymy it does in English, but I would just use familia here.

Not sure if there's a nicer way of putting it, but at least this should work:

familia mihi est causa surgendi et pariter sola cadendi causa.

pariter means "at the same time" ... you can leave it out if you don't like it.


New Member

WOW that was super fast. Thank you very much for replaying. :)
And If we use 2 sentences? that would look like this?

familia mihi est causa surgendi
familia sola cadendi causa

"Family is my reason to rise. Family is my (only) reason to fall"



familia mihi est causa surgendi
familia sola cadendi causa

"Family is my reason to rise. Family is my (only) reason to fall"

Yes, you can do it that way. Note, though, that the 2nd sentence is eliptic, the 'mihi est' is missing – which is fine, since you mentioned it in the first sentence. It would be like saying "Family is my reason to rise. Family my only reason to fall." You could make it even more eliptic by saying familia mihi causa surgendi; familia sola cadendi causa ... that would have a nice, concise ring to it.

The full version would be
familia mihi est causa surgendi.
familia mihi est sola cadendi causa.



New Member

This is it!
familia mihi causa surgendi;
familia sola cadendi causa

Thank you so much for your help.
Your doing will follow me on my skin all my life and reminds me of my values!
Gentle David



This is it!
familia mihi causa surgendi;
familia sola cadendi causa

Thank you so much for your help.
Your doing will follow me on my skin all my life and reminds me of my values!
Gentle David

Maybe you should wait for somebody to confirm my suggestion or to provide an alternative idea before you get it inked :)


New Member

I have seen also referrence to "Proximi" or "Mei" (mine people)
as more suggested word for familia on other threads.

What do you think about it Bitmap? And how would it work in our sentence?

Issacus Divus

H₃rḗǵs h₁n̥dʰéri diwsú

  • Civis Illustris

What do you mean? Like "my people are my reason to rise"?



I have seen also referrence to "Proximi" or "Mei" (mine people)
as more suggested word for familia on other threads.

What do you think about it Bitmap? And how would it work in our sentence?

The problem with the word "family" is that the Romans had a different concept of family that we do. A Roman familia usually included many generations of family members as well as all the other people who belonged to the house, i.e. slaves and servants. So if you showed that phrase to a Roman living 2000 years ago, he might have a different understanding of what "family" is than we do nowadays (where the meaning is narrowed down much more).

proximi or mei can be translated as "the people around me"... so in the right context, they can maybe describe our idea of "family" better ... but without context, they can also be understood as 'close friends' for example ...


New Member

Thank you, we are learning everyday :)

so just to double check:

familia mihi causa surgendi;
familia sola cadendi causa

Is it ok? If I mean

Family my reason to rise;
Family my only reason to fall



Thank you, we are learning everyday :)

so just to double check:

familia mihi causa surgendi;
familia sola cadendi causa

Is it ok? If I mean

Family my reason to rise;
Family my only reason to fall

In my opinion, yes... but just keep in mind the varying points on the choice of words that I mentioned above.