Grammar for Anatomical Structure

I kindly seek your expertise on which of the following is the correct term for the anatomical structure known in English as the oculomotor porus (a hole through which the oculomotor nerve passes):

Porus oculomotorius
This follows the form of nervus oculomotorius in that:
porus: noun, declension 2, nominative, masculine, singular​
oculo: morpheme​
motorius: adjective, declension 2, nominative, masculine, singular​

However, I believe that the adjective mōtōrĭus is more akin to motorized in English and that it should rather take on the noun form, motor, in this case. Additionally as it is possessing the porus, shouldn't it be in the genitive? Thus,

Porus oculomotoris
porus: noun, declension 2, nominative, masculine, singular​
oculo: morpheme​
motoris: noun, declension 3, genitive, masculine, singular​

Thank you in advance for your input!
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Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

foramen opticus? ("Anatomical Basis of Cranial Neurosurgery" by Wolfgang Seeger & Josef Zentner).
foramen opticus? ("Anatomical Basis of Cranial Neurosurgery" by Wolfgang Seeger & Josef Zentner).
That's what's more commonly known in English as the optic canal, the Latin for which is canalis opticus, but it's an interesting counterpoint to my argument above as opticus is a second declension adjective in the nominative.



  • Aedilis

The book you referred to contains a mistake, then (whether a real mistake or just a typo).