Grammar songs


New Member

Lancaster, England
There is a CD of songs to help students remember declensions, etc. However, it is v. expensive. Does anyone out there know any good memory aids ( songs or whatever) which they are willing to release to the general public? I am sure learners like me would be very pleased to see them.

Marius Magnus

Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

For me, the best memory aid is practice. And by that, I mean composing and writing out full sentences, rather than declension or conjugation paradigms. This way you can mentally connect the various endings with their meanings, in context.

What I would suggest, therefore, is: Make up a brief story using the vocabulary you know, and the various sentence structures you're familiar with. Try to avoid looking up a bunch of new words or new constructions; if you can't figure out how to say something because it is too advanced, then say something else instead. The reason for this is that you want to strengthen what you already know, rather than piling on a bunch of new concepts and then having a weak command over them.

If you forget an ending you're supposed to know, go ahead and look it up. With practice, you'll find you need to do this less frequently.