Tattoo Honor et honestas


New Member

Hey all, I am so glad I found this forum!
I want to get my family motto tattooed, I believe it says honor and honesty.. Am I correct in thinking this? I don't want to make a mistake with it and get something so permanent.
It's Honor et honestas
Just from my quick browsing I've realised there are many forms of these two words and I want to make sure I'm getting the right ones :)
Thanks in advance



  • Aedilis

It depends what you mean by "honor". Honor means "external" honor, i.e. for example a mark of honor granted to someone, or the respect someone enjoys from others. On the other hand, it doesn't mean the quality of being honorable (for which honestas would work, actually). I have a feeling the latter is more likely to be meant here, but I guess Madz should explain to us what she means exactly by "honor"—and by "honesty" too, while we're at it.