Horace & Lucretius

Does anyone have an opinion on either the new Penguin De rerum natura translated by A.E. Stallings or the new University of Pennsylvania Horace's Satires translated by A.M. Juster?


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

I'm afraid not.

I can't speak for those translators you mentioned but, should you want me to, I can advise you on translators of those two authors whom, in my experience, are fantastic.

I haven't read every translation available, sadly, but I can advise you on several :)


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Sorry for the very late response, I hope this is still of use to you BUT:

I think David West, as unusual a scholar as he is, still provides the best translations for Horace's works. His commentaries sometimes border on the bizarre but I think he is brilliant.
-- Sadly, I have just checked online, David West did not translate the Satires :( in which case I would recommend Sidney Alexander. Still! Remember the name David West if Horace's other works take your fancy!

For Lucretius... there are so many good ones, but I personally believe that Martin Fergurson Smith offers one of the best translations, with a good balance of fidelity and transparency.

I hope the two I've mentioned can be of use to you. I can't remember Alexander's very well I'm afraid, since I studied Horace too many years ago to remember what was good about him in particular :( Ferguson, however, is more recent to me, and I do remember that he is very good.

Good luck!