Hymns for the Heathen


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Urbs Panamae
Hymns for the Heavens
Hymni Caelis

Hymns for the Heathen (sing. that is, just one heathen)
Hymni Daemonicolae (Heathen as in devil-worshipper)
Hymni Ethnico (Heathen as in pagan or not belonging to the established religion)

Hymns for the Heathen (pl. that is, a collection of heathens)
Hymni Daemonicolis (Heathen as in devil-worshipper)
Hymni Ethnicis (Heathen as in pagan or not belonging to the established religion)

Though paganus, -i, may sound like the appropriate word for pagan, it actually means countryman or peasant.


ethnicus, ethnici N M 2 1 M [EEXES]
heathen; pagan;

gentilis, gentilis, gentile ADJ [EEXDE]
gentile; non-Jew (to Jew); heathen/pagan (to Christian), not of one's faith;

daemonicola, daemonicolae N M 1 1 M [DEXFS]
heathen; worshipper of devils;