Inexactness in Latin

Imber Ranae

Ranunculus Iracundus

  • Civis Illustris

Grand Rapids, Michigan
And even without the preposition, malo esse (or any other verb) X quam (esse (or other v.)) Y, Y can't just be an ablative. It just doesn't make sense.
In that particular case I don't see why not, on a purely syntactic level. With quam you can connect two prepositional phrases with locational meanings, or even two locatives, or one with the other: Romae/in urbe cum amicis esse quam ruri/in agris tecum malo "I'd rather be in Rome/the city with friends than in the countryside with you".

But this is with quam, of course, not the ablative alone. Maybe I've misunderstood you.
Pacis puella dixit:
This one is nice too (but personally I find it less intricate than the buffalo one): "James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher".
English is weird.



  • Aedilis

In that particular case I don't see why not, on a purely syntactic level. With quam you can connect two prepositional phrases with locational meanings, or even two locatives, or one with the other: Romae/in urbe cum amicis esse quam ruri/in agris tecum malo "I'd rather be in Rome/the city with friends than in the countryside with you".

But this is with quam, of course, not the ablative alone. Maybe I've misunderstood you.
Yes, I was talking about ablative of comparison, instead of quam.

Imber Ranae

Ranunculus Iracundus

  • Civis Illustris

Grand Rapids, Michigan
I have found one example with a verb: nullos his mallem ludos spectasse (Hor.s.2.8.79). But still not sure it can do for malo esse X quam esse Y.
So I suppose this works:

Bonum malum comesse malo malo malo.
I'd rather eat a good apple than a bad apple.​
ETA: but probably not bonō mālō malō mālō mālō vescī for the same reasons as stated above.



  • Aedilis

After the last example I've found, yes I think it does.

Imber Ranae

Ranunculus Iracundus

  • Civis Illustris

Grand Rapids, Michigan
Even better:

In mala malo bono malo vesci quam in bona malo malo malo malo.
I'd rather eat a good apple in a bad apple tree than a bad apple in a good one.​



  • Aedilis

Even better:

In mala malo bono malo vesci quam in bona malo malo malo malo.
I'd rather eat a good apple in a bad apple tree than a bad apple in a good one.​

Imber Ranae

Ranunculus Iracundus

  • Civis Illustris

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Iohannes Aurum

Technicus Auxiliarius

  • Technicus Auxiliarius

Torontum, Ontario, Canada
English can lack exactness at times:

English is a weird language.

Yes, I have Photoshopped the image by taking an image of the Buffalo, NY skyline and placed it behind the mountains.