Latin in science


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Águas Santas
Now, that's nice:
C. Truesdell. Solutio generalis et accurata problematum quamplurimorum de motu corporum elasticorum incomprimibilium in deformationibus valde magnis, ARMA, 11:1 (1962), 106-113.

John Ball and R. D. James name it ‘perhaps the only serious scientific paper published in Latin in the 20th century’. Incidentally, Truesdell was the founder of ARMA (it's a decent journal). I don't know if they still accept papers in Latin.

That's romantic, but it seems that historically, mathematical community has been more inclined to use the language ensuring the broader audience.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Merci Quasus. Si tu connais d'autres articles scientifiques modernes écrits en latin, partages s'il te plait. d'accord?


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris



Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Águas Santas
Great, that’s a good start for the 21st century. I don’t understand it either, by the way. :)

Before I came across Truesdell, I hadn’t been aware of any mathematical publications more recent than Peano’s Aritmetices Principia (1889).
Actually, at that time Latin was not in vogue any more. I think that the gap between Gauss and Peano was only scarcely filled with German theses.

Incidentally, once I thought about rendering the mathematical term set in Latin. Vicipaedia ingeniously suggests copia, but a search on Google Books doesn’t provide any authority for this use. Cantor’s last work in Latin seems to be his thesis, where he doesn’t speak of sets, of course. It turns out that Peano uses the word classis for set in the modern sense: classis, sive entium aggregatio (p. 10) and this term had been abundantly used with similar meanings in pre-Cantor literature. So, evidently, set is classis, and Vicipaedia is wrong. Interestingly, the word class is common in mathematics, but for the most part, it’s used rather informally or as a component of a term (such as equivalence class). It seems that the only serious clash of classis and class happens in advanced set theory and category theory, where class is a generalisation of set. For the record:
Germ. Menge ‘multitude’
Fr. ensemble, It. insieme substantive use of ‘together’
Pt. conjunto ‘set’, with an obvious idea of joining together.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

I don't think 'copia' would really do, but that's a good attempt at using a latin word for 'set'. I think it's better kept in store for something else (to come or yet existing).
'Classis' indeed would be used for 'class' but perhaps 'classis' with an adjective would do.
Another solution is to use a greek word.
That's quite an amusing challenge actually.

As for scientific works, there is also De physica quantica by Soccorsi mentioned by Desessard.
But I've never so much as looked at it.