Latin letter: Spero te in hoc licet arduo munere explenda...



  • Consularis

Chicago, IL
I have an old letter written in Latin which includes the following sentence:

Spero te in hoc licet arduo munere explenda tanta prudentia, vigilantia ac charitate, omnia esse peracturum, ut huic Collegio Urbano laudi duci possit, tum in scientiis tum in pietate tibi institutionem dedisse.

The opening clause is easy: "I hope that you will execute all duties (lit. "all things to be completed") in this admittedly difficult office with (equally) great prudence, vigilance, and charity," (tanta is balanced by an earlier phrase tanto honore; in essence the writer is hoping the man's qualities are as great as the honor he's receiving).

However, the part in italics mystifies me. The writing is rather faded, but I'm pretty sure I copied the letters correctly. Any advice?


New Member

Seeing that no one has had a go at this, I thought I'd give it a once over. I read that as:

"so that it might lead to glory for this Society/Brotherhood of the City, now in wisdom and good faith giving this instruction to you."

To be honest I didn't try very hard, so I could be way off... but maybe it will help your thought process a little.

Now that I re-read your post.. do you have more context? Is this old letter a church correspondence? I assumed a context like the senate appointing a governor or some such, but if it is a more modern ecclesiastical letter it would change the flavor.