Latin song: Tellus dormit et liberi in diem faciunt numquam


New Member

Well, I am pretty into videogames, and one game has a Latin song that I am eager to discover the translation for.


My personal Latin knowledge is very limited. Although I did attempt to do a translation, which I hope isnt completely wrong. I can tend to get pretty imaginative when doing them. Because it's a song, and because there are other noises, I found it very difficult to translate, but I came out with this:

A kingdom sleeps and children make groans that are never ended. Nor can they hope. A man is divided, he faces tragedy and is sent away.

And in the everlasting night, he dreams of his other troubles. To bear every fear is his punishment which he must endure throughout time, and from it arise.
These are kinda Latin words that fit, although I cant find my newer version (which I did a while back) so there may be inconsistancies. The grammar is probably horrible, because Im not very good and I didnt spend a lot of time on it.

tellus dormint et liberi ingem faciunt numquam extinguunt. Nec sper cisi possi. Hom vir dividit tragoedia coram amandamque.

Et nocte perpetua e hem vers dens alii onem. Pavor omnivere pona manes tempus expergescendi.

I would be grateful if you can help me to translate the song properly so that there is a reliable translation.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Urbs Panamae
Oh, so sorry I can't help, the sound in my laptop sucks to another level...


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Virginia, US
Edit: Post removed, link that satisfies request found:


Has subtitles of both Latin and English. I'll check the subtitles to verify though :)
WOW that's a bad translation. Holy...let me help here:
in diem-lit. "into the day". A little odd to translate as "day by day" but still reasonable.
numquam extinguunt-they never extinguish. VERY strange translation in there.
ne expergisci possint-lest they be able to awake. Again, strange.
Omnia dividit tragedia coram amandum quae....makes no sense. Period. Square Enix did a really, really bad job with that. If that's all there is in that part, then I'm rather disheartened by their abilities. Liberi Fatales->Liberi Fatali I can live with, but a clause that makes no sense is too much.

I'll continue this in another post.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Urbs Panamae
Great! Found some decent headphones. But, alas, it's Ecclesiastical Pronunciation.

This is what I hear (with the help of some other Final Fantasy sites).

Tellus dormit et liberi in diem faciunt numquam extinguunt ne expergisci possint.
The land sleeps and the children work into the day, they never destroy, they are not able to awake.

Omnia dividit tragoedia coram amandum quae.
The tragedy divides all things which are to be loved in one's presence.

Et nocte perpetua hem vel vera visione par oram videbo te mane tempu expergiscendi.

Sadly, I can't translate the last part as I am in a bit of a hurry. No worries, you have many others to your disposal (many more advanced than I am in Latin ;) ).


New Member

What I understood:

Deus dormit et liberi ignem faciunt, numquam extinguunt nec expergisci posse (should be possunt, but let's pretend is a historical infinitive).
Omnia dividit tragoedia, aram amandamque.
Et nocte perpetua et desperatione pavor omnia deportat, manet tempus expergiscendi.

God sleeps, and his sons make fires, never extinguish them, and they cannot wake up.
All is divided by tragedy, the altar and the loved one (the loved one is a female).
And the fear carries everything away with continuous night and desperation. The time of awakening awaits.

Disclaimer: the shooting was very distracting and the pronuntiation of the singing lady was that of a slightly drunk Latin teacher.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Virginia, US
OK, it's amandAm. That makes more sense. Idiots on youtube. That actually drove me, with my infinitely stupid youtube name (boredom on one day, laziness on all subsequent days), to post my first youtube comments. Anyway, proper Latin:
Tellus dormit et liberi in diem faciunt numquam extinguunt ne* expergisci possint. Omnia dividit tragoedia coram amandamque et nocte perpetua ehem vel vera visione par oram videbo te mane tempus expergiscendi.

OK. Now:
*Is there a c on the end of this? If so, what of the subjunctive possint?
Now, English translation:
The land/kingdom sleeps and children act into the day. They never extinguish, lest they be able to awake. The tragedy divides all things from the pupil of the eye and the beloved. the pupil of And in a perpetual night, behold! in a true vision I, your partner, shall indeed see you in the morning, the time of awakening.


New Member

Thanx for the quick responses.

quemquem me facis dixit:
vel vera visione par oram videbo te mane tempus expergiscendi.
One thing is that I disagree over what the Latin lyrics actually are. When I listen to it, I just dont hear that bit.

I heard something more like: 'Pavor omnivere pona'.
Do you agree?

Finding what the actual Latin lyrics are, is just as hard (if not harder) than working out the translation.

The version that I and a friend posted up had different lyrics. These are pretty outdated now, and I realise that there are loads of mistakes. But is shows the disagreements on what the real lyrics are.

- Yeah, I know its not very good. I dont know why the hell its posted as 'The correct translation.'

We have to make sure that we get the Latin words completely right, because Im not convinced by the Latin posted by myself or the other people. If you each give your opinions on what the Latin words are, then maybe we can come to some kind of a consensus.

Once we've done that, then Im sure you'll be able to do some perfect translations with your latin knowledge.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Virginia, US
Well ingem is not a word. I see the "in" followed by the g as a "in dyem", which is an incorrect though justifiable way of pronouncing in diem. There are also several other oddities about that one...a wide variety of words that simply aren't words. Period.

However, I DO see the amandamque. That makes sense. (Now I have to go change my youtube comment, blast!) Allow me to edit my post to fit that.

Now my problem is how to use dividit. Seems very strange to have a TRIPLE accusative...As I posted there, I think this is a failure on the part of SE, which they have been known to do. It's difficult to work with modern Latin writings, because you don't actually know if they are using proper grammar, and if they're not...then you have a problem. Whereas when reading an ancient text, you're LEARNING new grammar from it because you know for a fact that the grammar is either correct or distorted for poetic effect (and legitimate for that reason.)


New Member

I keep thinking that this is some weird form of Latin. Or more probably, the singer has no idea how to sing Latin - after all, shes from Japan.

And I agree about 'in diem.'


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Virginia, US
As Andy said, most of her pronunciation is simply Ecclesiastical. (The "c" as "ch" is the best example.) Some of her vowels are modified for multiple sounds in song (especially her o's). But the things she does WRONG are an over-use of consonantal i (which creates the "in diem" vs. "ingem" argument) and the softening of "g" (as in tragoedia.) She also mispronounced tragoedia's middle vowel; it should be "trah-GOY-dee-ah". She's not just way off though; she has some training in pronunciation.


New Member

Ok, I see. Guess I was a bit harsh on her. Its pretty confusing with the different possible pronunciations of words.

So would it still be possible to work out what the Latin is, or is most likely to be?

Whats your opinion?


New Member

OK, I gave the video another go with headphones and I stand by my previous interpretation.

She says "Teus" instead of deus, "possey" instead of posse, "arrrram" (too much vodka, I'm telling you) instead of aram, "omnieeedeportat" instead of omnia deportat. The aram thing could refer to a frustrated marriage or to religion, I bet on marriage, since there's a girlfriend involved.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Virginia, US
I dunno curiosus, I'm hearing tellus here. Telllllll-lus (she REALLY likes to lengthen and/or trill her liquids, as you noted.) I also hear "posseeeent" hence, possint. I have no idea where you got deportat though.

Anyway Anima, I think this is fairly good Latin with ecclesiastical pronunciation, albeit with some strange errors. Again though, I think SE actually screwed up its lyrics in a few spots.


New Member

One thing Im suprised about is the love in this song. Because I seem to remember SE saying that love wouldnt be the focus of the story.

So for the first part then, thes are the possibilities:

Tellus/Teus/Deus dormit et liberi in diem/ignem faciunt nec/ne expergisci possunt. Omnia dividit tragoedia arram/coram amandamque.

^Those seem to be the possibilities. Btw, is it possible that 'amandamque' can mean something like 'and sent away'? ... nd&ending=

Because I thought the meaning was more in keeping with the nature of the plot. The loving bit confuses me.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Virginia, US
No, because the gerund(ive) of amando would amandandam. It has to be from amare if it's a gerund(ive), which it rather clearly is. There's nothing else I can think of that it could be.

Unless of course SE is just cheating, which they do at times. (The best example being Liberi Fatales->Liberi Fatali.)


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Urbs Panamae
Ok, I'm listening to this like crazy and now I think she is actually saying Deus. My earphones are not that loud so I might be missing the 'll''s.

I hear something like "Teyus".

Deus dormit et liberi in diem faciunt nunquam extinguunt(ur?)(uint?) nec experisci possint.

Omnia dividit tragoedia arram (I hear no 'c') amandamque.

Et nocte perpetua et desperatione pavor omnia deportet manet tempus expergiscendi.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Virginia, US
Possibly her bad pronunciation makes it Spanish-esque, with ll=y?


New Member

I actually had ingemo in my original translation.

Well if you search around on youtube, some versions have a better sound quality than others.

I think I can hear 'coram'

For the first word, I think I hear a 't' not a 'd'. And I kinda hear an 'l' but its certainly not clear. It does sound more like a 'y' but meh...

After listening again, I hear desperatione. Thanks for that.

But I think 'omnia deportet' is 'omnivere pona'. I just dont hear the 'deportet'.

Would any of you be able to translate this:

Tellus/Deus dormint et liberi in diem/ingem faciunt numquam extinguunt nec experisci (does that fit?) possint.

Omnia dividit tragoedia coram/ arram amandamque/amandum quae.

Et nocte perpetua et/ehem desperatione pavor omnivere pona? manet tempus expergiscendi.

Where there are slashes, you can choose the one that makes the most sense so to speak, or show me both versions. The bold is my personal preference.

Thanks. :)