Leave no groin unpunched


New Member

Yes I know, it's an odd request. So here's the story:
I take part in an all-night scavenger hunt / clue-solving game (think "Amazing Race" on a local level). For it, I need to create a flag to represent our team, who are known as "Junk Punch". (Don't ask.) I have the flag design all worked out and I'm currently in the process of sewing the fabric, but I wanted to include a Latin phrase as our motto or creed.

I know it's a bit of a double-negative, but stating it outright (punch all junk) doesn't have that same "oomph" - which is apparently what the team is all about.

Thanks in advance to those who offer advice - this site is much better than anything I imagined I'd find, and it has me interested in perhaps pursuing this language a bit deeper - but that's a topic for another day!

Oh - and I promise to include a picture of the finished product!



  • Consul


I had to freeze this topic -- it will be unfrozen as soon as possible.

Decimus Canus

Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

nullum ilum impercisum linque.

impercisum "unpunched" is a contrived word. I think it's valid but I can't find any indication it's ever been used before.



  • Consul


This was my self-censored response.

Godmy, I think it is a euphemism for the private parts. I think it was a small boy being searched by the TSA (Transportation Safety Authority in the USA) before boarding a plane -- "Don't touch my junk" is what he said to the screener.

I don't really want to suggest scrotum here but I hate to say I think it fits. (This is a male team, right?)

etymonline.com has
1590s, from L. scrotum, cognate with O.E. scrud "garment" (source of shroud).
O.E. screade "piece cut off," from W.Gmc. *skraudas (cf. M.L.G. schrot "piece cut off," O.H.G. scrot, "a cutting, piece cut off," Ger. Schrot "small shot," O.N. skrydda "shriveled skin"), from PIE base *skreu- "to cut, cutting tool" (cf. L. scrutari "to search, examine," from scruta "trash, frippery;" O.E. scrud "dress, garment;" see shroud).

"groin" is often translated inguen.

scrotum and inguen, like ilum and putamen, are neuter.

However, if you use scrotum, your saying could be easily misinterpreted.