Livy 5.47

Phoebus Apollo

Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

cui uniuersi selibras farris et quartarios uini ad aedes eius quae in arce erant
contulerunt—rem dictu paruam, ceterum inopia fecerat eam argumentum ingens
caritatis, cum se quisque uictu suo fraudans detractum corpori atque usibus
necessariis ad honorem unius uiri conferret.

The phrase is bold is confusing me. I took corpori and usibus as datives after necessariis (which I took to be an adj functioning as a noun) i.e. 'each man contributed in the honour of one man what had been taken from the necessities for his body (copori) and his enjoyment (usibus)'

I'm not confident that this is correct however, as it could be that necessariis is an adj agreeing with usibus, i.e. 'each man contributed in the honour of one man what had been taken from the indispensable (necessariis) necessities (usibus) for his body'; however this leaves atque untranslated.

Does anyone know which translation is correct?

Thanks in advance!


Cívis Illústris

  • Civis Illustris

I understood necessāriīs with ūsibus, and corporī atque ūsibus as datives with dētrāctum: 'contributed for the honour of one man what had been taken away from his body and necessary uses'. ie. the food and drink were intended for their own bodies and necessary uses (eating and drinking), but they deprived themselves of it for the benefit of Mānlius' honour.