Nostro dis pater, nostr' alma mater


New Member

I heard this phrase in a song recently and I'm trying to work out what it means. Apologies if this has been posted before but I couldn't find the answer anywhere! I've worked out 'father'? and 'mother'? But no idea of the rest of the phrase.

Can anyone help?

Etaoin Shrdlu


Probably not further than the discussion at Despite the alternative versions proposed by some, the internet seems to be generally of the opinion that the version you've given is the correct one, which doesn't really mean anything. Maybe the writer was aiming at saying 'our father of the underworld, our beneficent mother' in the same woolly way as the English means...well, you tell me.


New Member

buen día yo lo busque de la siguiente manera, dividiendo en dos enunciados.

1 Traductor latín - Nostro dis pater - Padre de nuestro empuje.
2 - nostro alma mater - Nostro=Nuestra -Alma Mater - Expresión latina que: Se utiliza para referirse a una persona o cosa que actúa como impulsora o motora de algo.

Para mi es como una especie de oración o ruego religioso, que en referencia a la canción es hacia alguien que lo tienen como punta de guía.



  • Aedilis

  • Patronus

- nostro alma mater - Nostro=Nuestra -Alma Mater - Expresión latina que: Se utiliza para referirse a una persona o cosa que actúa como impulsora o motora de algo.
Me temo que te has equivocado. La palabra Latina "alma" no significa "impulsora" o "motora" sino "fecunda", "generosa", etcétera.

Etaoin Shrdlu


It's an anagram of Motorists and parents are mortal, if that helps.