[offline dictionary] Spanish-Latin


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Diccionario auxiliar Español-Latín, Del Col (2007)

Dictionary of new Latin words, composed by the author, Jose Juan Del Col (1925–2019), or taken from different dictionaries (Cottidianum Vocabularium Scholare; Dizionario Italiano-Latino; Diccionario Ilustrado VOX Latino-Español, &c.) and modern live Latin media (Iúvenis, Nuntii Latini, &c.). See "Bibliografia" for the full list of the sources.

Original PDF and version for computers

This dictionary cannot replace your usual Spanish-Latin wordbook, because it contains only professional or very modern lexicon, but not ordinary words, such as "corazón" or "enamorarse".

Big Horn

Active Member

Cody, WY, U.S.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

This led me to a website that has a number of books suitable for young boys and girls. It's an Italian website, but don't worry: the books are all in Latin or Latin and English with a very few in other languages. There are Greek books as well. This is a treasure trove for home-schoolers. https://vivariumnovum.it/la/node/23
That's a nice collection.

Two books by Appleton I used for creation of my Latin-Latin dictionary. They were transcribed for Project Gutenberg, so you could download them in good quality:
