Prayer: Domine Jesu Christe, qui dixisti ego sum via, verita


New Member

Hi there. I was wondering if anyone could help me translate this for me. The priest said that anyone who reads this passage 3 times will be bestowed with blessings (apparently).

Domine Jesu Christe, qui dixisti ego sum via, veritas et vita, ecce enim
veritatem dilexisti, incerta et occulta sapientiæ tuæ manifestasti mihi, adhuc quæ
reveles in hac nocte sicut ita revelatum fuit parvulis solis, incognita et ventura
unaque alia me doceas, ut possim omnia cognoscere, si et si sit; ita monstra mihi
montem ornatum omni nivo bono, pulchrum et gratum pomarium, aut quandam
rem gratam, sin autem ministra mihi ignem ardentem, vel aquarum currentem vel
aliam quamcumque rem quæ Domino placeat, et vel Angeli ARIEL, Rubiel et
Barachiel sitis mihi multúm amatores et factores ad opus istud obtinendum quod
cupio scire, videre cognoscere et prævidere per illum Deum qui venturus est
judicare vivos et mortuos, et sæculum per ignem. Amen.

Warmest Regards



New Member

Sorry its a bit long but this is my half-assed translation:

Master Jesus Christ, He whom we love and lead us through the straight and narrow road, truthfulness and life. Make all unknown and hidden wisdom clear to me during the night and reveal to me the whole truth, secret and overt. Instruct me and be with me, when judgment is at hand, if it is the wish of the Father and His Son, and lead me by the hand to the glorious summit of the tenebrous mountain where the Eden is found. You are the joy of life. Make unto me the service of fire and water and other things that pleases the Master and send unto me the angels ARIEL, RUBIEL and BARACHIEL who thirst for the love of Christ. Show me, O Lord, the right path and let me see what the Gods can see. In life and in death, your reign is eternal. AMEN



  • Censor

  • Patronus

litore aureo
It starts:

Lord Jesus Christ, who said I am the way the truth and the life, for behold you loved truth...


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Civitas Nurembergensis
Is the dixisti a dixit?


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Civitas Nurembergensis


New Member

Indeed, I also found this same book. I find it strange how a priest can give me a prayer from a text like this.

I know that you guys dont usually do this, but would it be possible if someone can fully translate this? Its just that I wanna know why the priest gave me this prayer rather than another one

Warm Regards




  • Consularis

Chicago, IL
Suggested corrections in italics

Domine Jesu Christe, qui dixisti "ego sum via, veritas et vita", ecce enim veritatem dilexisti, incerta et occulta sapientiæ tuæ manifestasti mihi, adhuc quæ reveles in hac nocte sicut ita revelatum fuit parvulis solis, incognita et ventura unamque alia me doceas, ut possim omnia cognoscere, si et si sit; ita monstra mihi montem ornatum omni novo bono, pulchrum et gratum pomarium, aut quamdam rem gratam, sin autem ministras mihi ignem ardentem, vel aquam currentem vel aliam quamcumque rem quæ Domino placeat, et vel Angeli ARIEL, Rubiel et Barachiel sitis mihi multúm amatores et factores ad opus istud obtinendum quod cupio scire, videre cognoscere et prævidere per illum Deum qui venturus est judicare vivos et mortuos, et sæculum per ignem. Amen.

"Lord Jesus Christ, who said "I am the way, the truth, and the life," since behold you loved truth, you have shown me the uncertain and hidden parts of your wisdom, reveal them in this place on this night just as it had been revealed only to children, teach me alone other things unknown and yet to come, so that I might be able to know everything if, albeit, it could be; show me a mountain loaded with new goods, a beautiful and generous orchard, or a certain pleasing affair, but if you should show me burning fire, or running water or whatever else is pleasing to the Lord, let you angels Areil, Rubiel and Barachiel be friendly and helpful to me for obtaining this need because I desire to know, see, understand and foretell through that God who will come to judge the living and the dead, and the world through fire. Amen."


New Member

I thank you from the bottom of my heart Cato. You would not believe how much I appreciate this and am ever grateful.

God bless you and all the people on this forum



Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Civitas Nurembergensis
If wonder if this is a follow up to ancient magic or an independent development.


New Member

I wouldn't use this "prayer" if I were you. It's not a prayer at all, but an obscure magical invocation for winning the lottery coming from a grimoire of black magic. The Grand Grimoire. From esotericarchives
This text constitutes one of the more famous and outrageous Grimoires of black magic. It probably dates not much earlier than the early 1800's. Eliphas Levi, the great 19th century French occultist, seems to have held some fascination for this work.
A. E. Waite pronounced this the most fantastic of the texts of the Black Magic cycle, and "one of the most atrocious of its class; it has a process in Necromancy which is possible, say some occult writers -- in the geniality of a lucid interval -- only to a dangerous maniac or an irreclaimable criminal. It must be admitted that the Rite is highly unreasonable, but in dealing with such literature it seems unsafe to advance the objection, for it applies much too widely."


Vemortuicida strenuus

  • Civis Illustris

  • Patronus
