Pugio Bruti XLIV - XLV

john abshire

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  • Patronus

"Vale!" inquit Clodius.
A Porta Capena abiit et domum, quae iuxta stabulum erat, rediit. Iam enim tenebrae erant et noctu Romae foris esse nolebat, et maculam vini super ventrem habebat.
_____Secum tum cogitavit: Quid si quis me videat? Plane mendicus esse videor!

Proximo die Clodius domo egressus est. Nesciebat ubi adulescentem quaererat, itaque per vias non longe a Caupona nomine 'Asina' ibat. Adulescentem illum nigro capillo reperire volebat, sed illo ipso die omnes Romae capillo nigro esse videbantur. Closius ad Portam Capenam rediit sed non diu ibi mansit. Cum illo mendico sene paulisper sedit qui eodem loco sedebat quo proximo die sederat.
"Nihil," inquit senex, "novi vidi."

Clodius said, "Goodbye!"
He went drom the Capena Gate and returned home, which was next to the stable. For there was darkness already, and he was not wanting to be outdoors at night in Rome, and he had a stain of wine over his belly.
_____Then he pondered with himself: What if someone sees me? I absolutely seem to be a beggar!
Clodius left home the next day. He did not know where he should search for the young man, therefore he went along the roads not far from the inn named 'Asina". He wanted to find the young man with black hair, but that day itself all of Rome seemed to be with black hair. Clodius returned to Capena Gate but he did not remain there for a long time. He sat with the old man beggar for a little while, who was sitting at the same location in which he had been sitting the previous day.
The old man said, "I saw nothing new."

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Vemortuicida strenuus

  • Civis Illustris

  • Patronus

There was a mnemonic for this. Something like "after si num nisi ne, ali takes a holiday"



The German mnemonic is "Nach ne, si, nisi, num fällt der Ali um." - "After ne, si, nisi, num, Ali drops down." ... I don't know if it's still politically correct, though.



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litore aureo
all of Rome seemed to be with black hair
I would read Romae here as a locative, and translate omnes as everyone
We would usually say seemed to have black hair.