...quae alias peti solent a causis...

There's one little spot in this sentence that I'm having trouble with (one spot that I know of, that is), which is the title of this thread and which I underlined here:

"Huius superstitionis reum etiam deprehendimus KORNMANNUM de Mir Mort, qui eiusmodi affert rationes, quae alias peti solent a causis, cur in peste et aliis contagiosis morbis unius interdum mortem totius sequatur familiae interitus."

I wonder if that part isn't literal, because my most herculean effort to translate it literally results in something pretty devoid of sense:

"Of this superstition we find Kornmann guilty, for in Miraculis Mortuorum he asserts explanations of this kind, which elsewhere tend to be sought from causes, why in cases of the plague and other infectious diseases the destruction of an entire family follows the death of one member."

Danielle Sonnier's translation is:

"Nous tenons pour responsable de cette superstition Kornmann qui, dans les Miracles des Morts, au lieu de s'en remettre aux causes réelles, donne des raisons de ce genre pour expliquer pourquoi la disparition de toute la famille suit quelquefois la mort d'un seul individu."

The French translation doesn't seem all that literal, but I don't know if it should be or not.

As always, my deep thanks for any possible assistance, for which I hope I am not asking more often than I ought to!



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litore aureo
is it alias or aliis?