Sapientia puellarum semper laudamus and "vocabat"


New Member


I had the following exercises for my latin class.
fix this sentence:
"Sapientia puellarum semper laudamus." i translated to-
"We praise girls' wisdom always."
i guess i don't see the problem. Is it maybe with the verb laudamus?

also to change "Officium vocabat" to present tense. I'm kind of lost as to where they are getting the -bat ending. I thought the future thense personal ending declined as following:
Singular plural
1 -bo -bimus
2 -bis -bitis
3 -bit -bunt
so would the future tense be vocat?
sorry for all the questions, i haven't studied like i should in a while, and im a bit



  • Consularis

Chicago, IL
Re: Sapientia puellarum semper laudamus and "vocabat&qu

ach0788 dixit:

I had the following exercises for my latin class.
fix this sentence:
"Sapientia puellarum semper laudamus." i translated to-
"We praise girls' wisdom always."
i guess i don't see the problem. Is it maybe with the verb laudamus?
Hmmm...I wonder what declension sapientia is, and what the ending should be if you want to make it the direct object...
also to change "Officium vocabat" to present tense. I'm kind of lost as to where they are getting the -bat ending. I thought the future thense personal ending declined as following:
Singular plural
1 -bo -bimus
2 -bis -bitis
3 -bit -bunt
so would the future tense be vocat?
sorry for all the questions, i haven't studied like i should in a while, and im a bit
There is another tense at work here...and don't worry if you don't get everything right immediately; we are all imperfect in some way :)