Slave of...

The Skaran naming custom is a surname that combines her mother’s, or more prominent parent’s, given name’s genitive form (favoring the former) with the same parent’s surname and a given name, written in that order.

Slavery is a fact of life in the Skaran Empire. As it stands, a slave's name in formed by the replacement of her former surname by the genitive form of or her owner’s name followed by "s.,” meaning "sklábós” (“slave of”), which is placed after her given name. Would sklábós be nominative or genitive (sklábú)?


Homo Sapiens

  • Civis Illustris

in orbe lacteo
If it's "slave of Marcus", for instance, "slave" would be nominative, and "Marcus" would be genitive.


Homo Sapiens

  • Civis Illustris

in orbe lacteo
I don't know if it's relevant, but in Roman times these names exist:
Marcipor: "slave of Marcus"
Quintipor: "slave of Quintus"
Gaipor: "slave of Gaius"
Publipor: "slave of Publius"
They are formed from the genitive of the praenomen + a variation of "puer".
Thanks, Dantius. I have it recorded as ςερϝα (serva) as {w} evolved into {v} except after {g} in Pandoran, not Greek's {b} into {v}. Now, I'm reworking that section of the empire's profile and reconsidered that for some reason.