The stars only shine at night.


New Member

“The stars can only be seen at night.” or “The stars only shine at night.” This is to be a slogan for my personal brand. It essentially means that it is during dark times that heroes arise. It’s kind of a less childish version of “it’s your time to shine”, in that it is also meant to be read as a sort of call to action. I’d like it to be a short sentence, four or five words if possible. If that’s not possible, it is what it is I suppose. I would also be interested in any existing Latin phrases or proverbs that have a similar meaning, if indeed there are any, whether they make reference to the stars or not.


New Member

Thank you for the reply Adrian! I'm still curious if anyone knows of any existing latin proverbs which have a similar meaning.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

It is not a proverb, but perhaps you could consider someting like Nunc est agendum! figuratively "Now is (the) time to act!"
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Feles Curiosissima

  • Civis Illustris

  • Patrona

What comes to mind for me is John 1:5: et lux in tenebris lucet, et tenebræ eam non comprehenderunt.
= "And the light shines/shone in the darkness, and the darkness did not understand it."