Victory through education


New Member

Okay so someone wants to use this slogan for a school for people in the military.

The one they gave me was 'Victoriam in educatioine' but I worry it was machine translated. And possibly misspelled.

Are there some better alternatives?

Thanks muchly!

R. Seltza

Magnus Oculus

  • Civis Illustris

  • Patronus

Terra Solis Lapsi
Victory Through Education = Victoria Per Educationem.

means "education" in a general sense, though there are some more options you could use.

R. Seltza

Magnus Oculus

  • Civis Illustris

  • Patronus

Terra Solis Lapsi
Instead of educatio, there's also:

Eruditio - instruction, erudition
Disciplina - instruction, teaching (in general)
Doctrina - teaching, instruction

I also forgot to mention earlier that the original translation you had definitely looks like it came from Google Translate or something; it supposedly translates to "victory in education" & has other issues.


New Member

Eruditio sounds nice! I worry 'doctrina' would give too much of a feeling of 'indoctrination' so they might not like that, lol

R. Seltza

Magnus Oculus

  • Civis Illustris

  • Patronus

Terra Solis Lapsi
If you go with eruditio, the phrase would be victoria per eruditionem.