Vocab Acquisition

Best sources for vocab acquisition? I know most core vocab thanks to LatinTutorial’s website, and I am still learning some vocab from the Vulgate Bible. However, it doesn’t really help for reading more classical works like Commentarii de Bello Gallico or dare I say the Aeneid.



  • Aedilis

The best source for vocab aquisition is Latin works, actually. :) Read, read, read; that's the best way to memorize words naturally. You don't have to actively memorize them; they get memorized of their own accord. You'll come across a word once, maybe twice, maybe thrice or maybe even more and forget it, but if it's one that often recurs (i.e. if it's a common word and therefore most necessary to know) it will eventually stick. If it's a rare one, it may also stick owing to being striking one way or other. That way you also get to see words used in context, which will enable you to become familar with their various meanings and usages. That doesn't quite happen when you memorize a list of words with only their basic meanings (though doing the latter may be necessary at some point in the very early stages of language learning, just to acquire a few most basic words for starters).



  • Censor

  • Patronus

litore aureo
You will find authors tend to have a favourite group of words which they use repeatedly —with the exception of Suetonius ;)—so as Pacifica says, if you stick with one author for a while you will get used to their expressions.



  • Aedilis

so as Pacifica says, if you stick with one author for a while you will get used to their expressions.
Though that is true, it isn't exactly what I was saying. What I was saying was that reading a lot of Latin in general helps you to aquire vocabulary in general.