Accademia Vivarium Novum


Feles Curiosissima

  • Civis Illustris

  • Patrona

the principle and the vice principle speak and write the best latin.

"Best" by what standard? (That of Cicero? Donatus? Erasmus et al?)


Sīmia Illūstris

  • Censor

I think that by standards of "classical" Latin as used as a functional language by non-native speakers. Erasmus would be a great example I guess.

Of course, it's hard to say that somebody writes the best, but Luigi Miraglia is a pretty good [active] Latinist, I wouldn't dare to question that :p


New Member

I am about to leve the academy and do have connections with previous students, if you have questions or gossips or wish to apply, I can provide information. First thing first, it is indeed the best place to learn the two languages in the world, the principle and the vice principle speak and write the best latin. It's better than the CUNY intensive summer school.
You are leaving ? I thought it was the beginning of the school year.

Etaoin Shrdlu


Does CUNY intensive summer school do Latin? In any case I'm always up for Percy Grainger chat, but I'm no expert.
OK, I've had to answer my own question here. Apparently,

My favourite Percy Grainger anecdote is the one about him throwing a ball over a house, running through the house and out the back, then catching the ball on the other side. It seems rather improbable, but if it's possible, then surely it could be duplicated.


Cívis Illústris

  • Civis Illustris

I am about to leve the academy and do have connections with previous students, if you have questions or gossips or wish to apply, I can provide information. First thing first, it is indeed the best place to learn the two languages in the world, the principle and the vice principle speak and write the best latin. It's better than the CUNY intensive summer school.
Out of interest, do they speak with vowel lengths, in the manner of Wilfried Stroh? Do they teach you the vowel lengths at the Academy?


Sīmia Illūstris

  • Censor

No, the only downside of the Academy is that save maybe a few young teachers (who occasionally try to compensate for it), the pronunciation issue is so loose in the academy that one would almost think they don't even consider it a discipline of the Latin language at all. Big mistake! On the other hand, when the pronunciation Nazis (as potentially myself : p) are gone or suppressed, it may lead to a better/more-relaxed atmosphere and possibly better overall fluency of everybody (as if when many people from different countries speak English each with his own accent and they don't mind much as long as they understand each other) - consider that sometimes there are visiting even like 10-12 years old children (boys) from some specialized schools in Europe or Russia (I know about one case of little Russian students from Sankt Petersburg) who can speak Latin quite fluently for communication, I don't suppose anybody is interrupting the little kids all the time to correct the vowel lengths etc. ; P

I'm pretty torn on this issue when it comes to the Academy. Otherwise, as I said, there is very very little I could criticize about both their Latin or their Latin teaching, from the little I know.

(Luigi Miraglia, while supremely speaking genius Latinist, is the adverse example in this issue...)


Sīmia Illūstris

  • Censor



Cívis Illústris

  • Civis Illustris

I see the point. I think I have more objection regarding the vowel lengths than concerning, say, Italianate pronunciation of C or TI etc., though, simply because it's a matter of phonology, not just phonetics.

Obviously, I can see why one wouldn't want to discourage people by correcting them all the time, but I don't really see a difference between correcting vowel length and eg. inaccurate use of the subjunctive.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Lago Duria
By any chance is anyone following on interested in the lectures Vivarium Novum is giving on Zoom? I've listened to some, I am especially curious about the ones not in Latin which seem to be all translated into Latin instantaneously, I haven't been able to witness it so far but it seems crazy.



  • Aedilis

  • Patronus

The only lecture I watched during the lockdown was a free one by Schola Humanistica (now available on Youtube here and here). I wasn't feeling too well at the time, but remember being very favourably impressed. However I didn't have time to attend any of their other lectures.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Lago Duria
Yes, they have a person translating it while it is happening. Last time there was a technical problem and they couldn't activate the function on the program, and another time I was really enjoying it so I decided to listen to the professor in Italian because I liked what he was saying.

Just wanted to post the link in case anyone was interestred in the lectures anyway.

Terry S.


  • Aedilis

  • Patronus

Bando di concorso a. a. 2022-23

L'Accademia Vivarium novum offre dieci borse di studio per studenti di scuola superiore (16 - 18 anni) e ventotto borse di studio per studenti universitari (18 - 24 anni) provenienti da ogni parte del mondo. Le borse di studio copriranno tutti i costi di vitto, alloggio in convitto maschile, lezioni e materiale didattico per i corsi, che si terranno da ottobre 2022 a giugno 2023 nella sede dell'Accademia a Villa Falconieri (Frascati - Roma).
(Il calendario potrà subire dei cambiamenti dovuti alle direttive ministeriali per il contenimento del COVID-19. In tale caso, i partecipanti saranno informati in tempo.)
Le richieste d'ammissione dovranno essere inviate a [email protected] entro il 1° giugno 2022. Il processo di selezione avrà fine in agosto.
I corsi saranno i seguenti:
  • lingua latina (di base e avanzato);
  • lingua greca (di base e avanzato);
  • composizione latina;
  • storia romana;
  • letteratura latina antica;
  • storia della filosofia antica;
  • letteratura rinascimentale e neo-latina;
  • poesia e metrica latina e greca;
  • seminari di lettura dei classici.

Lo scopo è di raggiungere un perfetto dominio sia del latino sia del greco attraverso un'immersione totale nelle due lingue, per padroneggiare senza difficoltà i testi e i concetti che ci sono stati tramandati dall'antichità, dal medioevo, dal rinascimento e dall'età moderna, e per coltivare le discipline umanistiche con una metodologia simile a quella ch'era in uso nelle scuole dell'Umanesimo
Tutte le lezioni saranno tenute in latino, eccezion fatta per quelle di greco, che saranno tenute in greco antico.
Per partecipare al concorso è necessario inviare una domanda in forma di lettera, senza limite d'estensione, in cui, oltre a un'illustrazione dettagliata delle proprie motivazioni, lo studente dovrà indicare i seguenti dati:
  • nome completo;
  • data e luogo di nascita;
  • scuola o università attualmente frequentata;
  • per quanto tempo si sia studiato latino e greco;
  • quali autori e opere si siano lette (parti o opere complete);
  • altri studi e interessi principali fuori dalla scuola.

Inoltre, si prega d'allegare una fotografia recente e una copia del passaporto o della carta d'identità.
(Per maggiori informazioni riguardo l'Accademia, si può visitare il sito o sfogliare il volume illustrativo.)
Announcement of Scholarships 2022-23

The Academy Vivarium novum is offering ten full-tuition scholarships for high school students (16-18 years old) and twenty-eight full-tuition scholarships for University students (18-24 years old) of any part of the world. The scholarships will cover all of the costs of room, board in male dorms, teaching and didactic materials for courses to be held from October 2022 until June 2023 on the grounds of the Academy's campus at Villa Falconieri (Frascati - Rome).
(Depending on the official measures for the COVID-19 emergency, the calendar may suffer some unexpected changes. If that is the case, the participants will be timely informed.)
Application letters must be sent to [email protected] before the 1st of June 2022. The selection process will come to an end within August.
The courses will be as follows:
  • Latin language (fundamental and advanced)
  • Greek language (fundamental and advanced)
  • Latin composition
  • Roman History
  • Ancient Latin literature
  • History of ancient Philosophy
  • Renaissance and Neo-Latin literature
  • Latin and Greek music and poetry
  • Classics reading seminars.

The goal is to achieve a perfect command of both Latin and Greek through a total immersion in the two languages in order to master without any hindrances the texts and concepts which have been handed down from the ancient times, middle ages, the Renaissance period and modern era, and to cultivate the humanities in a manner similar to the Renaissance humanists.
All the classes will be conducted in Latin, except for Greek classes which will be conducted in ancient Greek.
In order to submit your application, you must send a motivation letter. On it you should introduce yourself in a detailed manner and explain why you would like to participate in our program. Besides this, the letter should contain the following information:
  • Full name;
  • Date and location of birth;
  • What school you currently attend;
  • How long you have studied Latin and/or Greek;
  • Which authors and works you have read;
  • Other studies and primary interests outside of school.

In addition, please attach a recent photograph and a copy of your passport or your ID card.
(For more information about the Academy, you may visit the website or read the presentation.)​