After having gathered the assembly of the soldiers...



  • Aedilis

A last sentence I'd like to be checked:

After having gathered the assembly of the soldiers, he said, "Do not be angry at me, for if I were deprived of your trust, I would be unhappy. I will therefore accompany you, and, with you, I will suffer everything that will be necessary."

Την των στρατιωτων έκκλησιαν συλλεξαν είπε· "Μη όργιζεσθε μοι, εί γαρ της ὑμετερας πιστεως έρημος είην, άν δυστυχοιην. Άκολουθησω ούν ὑμιν και συν ὑμιν ὁ τι δεη πεισομαι".



  • Aedilis

  • Patronus

You need the masculine ending for the aorist participle of συλλέγω. Presumably δεη is subjunctive. It'd be more conventional to put άν after δυστυχοιην, rather than before. You'd benefit greatly from learning the rules of accentuation, regardless of whether your course requires you to.



  • Aedilis

You need the masculine ending for the aorist participle of συλλέγω.
Ah... I had completely forgotten (and now took some time to remember) the the nom. masc. sg. of the aor. part. didn't end in ν like the present one.
Presumably δεη is subjunctive.
Yes. I forgot the iota subscript.
It'd be more conventional to put άν after δυστυχοιην, rather than before.
Ok, I wasn't sure where to put it. Thanks.
You'd benefit greatly from learning the rules of accentuation, regardless of whether your course requires you to.
Maybe one day...

Correction: Την των στρατιωτων έκκλησιαν συλλεξας είπε· "Μη όργιζεσθε μοι, εί γαρ της ὑμετερας πιστεως έρημος είην, δυστυχοιην άν. Άκολουθησω ούν ὑμιν και συν ὑμιν ὁ τι δεῃ πεισομαι".

Thank you.