Document of Edward III's reign


New Member

Hello everyone. I am a Chinese student and am very interested in medieval document manuscripts. I recently purchased a manuscript from Britain, which should be the 17th year of Edward III's reign. But I can't transcribe it. I hope I can ask for that! thank you!:)


New Member

There is a mark "17e3" on the back , and the last paragraph on the front should be "Anno regni Reg(is) Edwardi t(er)cii A conquestu(m) quartodecimo~~~", but I have just begun to study independently. It's really hard to transcribe this kind of manuscript with many abbreviations, so I ask for your help! thank you very much!:)



  • Censor

  • Patronus

litore aureo
pateat universis per presentes quod ego... me et heredibus meis...



  • Censor

  • Patronus

litore aureo
LOL there will be hundreds of thousands of them ;)

If @Westcott stops by he could probably do the whole thing in his sleep.


New Member

LOL there will be hundreds of thousands of them ;)

If @Westcott stops by he could probably do the whole thing in his sleep.
I just find lot, but it's really too difficult... The middle part didn't find suitable one because of the person's name too lot... I hope polymath can help me, And please correct my mistakes, thank you!:)

1.Pateat universis per p(re)sentes quod ego remisi relaxavi et om(ni)no de me et heredi(bus) meis quietu(m).

2.clamavi imp(er)p(et)uum
et et et eor(um) hered(ibus) totu(m) iu(s meum) et clam(eum) q(uo)d habeo habui

3. vel aliquo mo(do) h(ab)ere potui in uno mesuagio et octo acris t(er)re cu(m) omnibus p(er)tin(entiis) in
acent in quod

4. int(er) t(er)ram

7.-bim(us) imp(er)petuu(m)/ In cui(us) rei Testimonium p(re)senti sigilla n(ost)ra apposui(mus) /Hiis testib(us)

8. et aliis Dat(um) apud capellm det die Veneris in festo ???? Marie. /Anno regni

9.Reg(is) Edwardi t(er)cii A conquestu(m) quartodecimo~~~





  • Censor

  • Patronus

litore aureo
it finishes
die dominica iii festo ?palmarum. Anno regni regis Edwardi tertii a conquestu septemadecimo



  • Censor

  • Patronus

litore aureo
...quietum clamavi inperpetuum Roberto ? ? ? ? et Roberto et Johannis ? ? roberto et eorum heredibus totum ius meum et...

... cum omnibus pertenentiis in villa de ? iacentem in quodam loco qui vocatur le ? inter terram ? ? ex una parte et ? ex alia parte? ? quod ? ego ? ? nec heredibus meis
nec aliquis alius? ? aliquod ius vel clamatum



  • Censor

  • Patronus

litore aureo
I believe it is called a quit claim



  • Censor

  • Patronus

litore aureo
on the 2nd last line I think it is Willelmo de ? Roberto ? et aliis



  • Censor

  • Patronus

litore aureo
Do you know where the document came from? That might help with where is was signed.


New Member

Do you know where the document came from? That might help with where is was signed.
When I buy it,The seller marked "Eckington in Derby".But he was not very clear about the document, and even marked it as the 17th century...



  • Censor

  • Patronus

litore aureo
Et ego
? ? ? et heredibus meis praedictam mesuagam et terram predictis roberto roberto et Johanno et eorum heredibus contra omnes gentes warantazabimus inperpetuum.


New Member

Et ego
? ? ? et heredibus meis praedictam mesuagam et terram predictis roberto roberto et Johanno et eorum heredibus contra omnes gentes warantazabimus inperpetuum.
I just sorted your help,now only names is not clear. Thank you!;)



Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Sorry, only just seen this. It is signed at apud capellam del frith, which will be Chapel en le Frith in Derbyshire. Will try and look properly in due course.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

The land is in Bouden, now Bowden, near Chapel en le Frith. The precise location is Ollerynshagh, now Ollerenshaw, between the land of Bradshagh, now Bradshaw, on one side, and the lane (no details) on the other side.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

1. Pateat univ(er)sis p(er) p(re)sentes q(uo)d Ego Alanus fil(ius) Elie del Ollerynshagh remisi relaxavi et om(n)ino de me et hered(ibus) meis quietu(m)
2. clamavi imp(er)p(etu)um Rob[er]to fil(io) Ric(hard)i de Clogh et Rob(er)to et Joh(ann)i fil(iis) eiusde(m) Rob(er)ti et eor(um) hered(ibus) totu(m) ius meu(m) et clam(eum) q(uo)d h(ab)eo h(ab)ui
3. vel aliquo m(od)o h(ab)ere pot(er)o in uno mesuagio et octo acris t(er)re cu(m) om(n)ib(us) p(er)tin(entiis) in villa de Boudon iacent(ibus) in quod(am) loco qui vocat(ur) le
4. Ollerynshagh int(er) t(er)ram del Bradshagh ex una p(ar)te et venellam ex alt(er)a p(ar)te Ita videl(ice)t q(uo)d nec ego d(i)c(t)us Alan(us) nec hered(es) mei
5. nec aliquis alius no(m)i(n)e n(ost)ro aliquod ius vel clam(eum) iure in p(re)d(i)c(t)is mes(uagio) et t(er)ra decet(er)o exig(er)e vel vendicare pot(er)im(us) Et ego
6. vero d(i)c(t)us Alanus et hered(es) mei p(re)d(i)c(tu)m mesuag(ium) et t(er)ram p(re)d(i)c(t)is Rob(er)to et Joh(ann)i et eor(um) hered(ibus) cont(ra) om(n)es gentes warantiza-
7. -bim(us) imp(er)p(et)uu(m) In cui(us) rei testi(m)oniu(m) p(re)sentib(us) sigillu(m) meu(m) apposui Hiis testib(us) B(a)rth(olo)m(e)o Foleiamb Ric(hard)o del Hull Will(ielm)o de Bradeshagh
8. Will(ielm)o de Baggesghagh Rob(er)to Redyman et aliis Dat(um) apud Capell(a)m del Frith die d(omi)nica in festo Ramispalmar[um] Anno regni
9. Reg(is) Edwardi t(er)cii A conquestu septimodeci(m)o

Translation to follow in due course