Invincible été (Albert Camus)


New Member

Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to read this.
i'm a writing an essay on french author Albert Camus and i would like to get your help to translate a quote or more pricisely a part of a quote that i plan on using as the title of my essay.
The original text is << Au milieu de l'hiver, j'ai découvert en moi un invicible été>> and it could be translated to <<in the midst of winter i found there was within me an invincible summer >>. I only wish to get the translation for the << Invincible summer >>/ <<Invincible été>> part. I have looked a little bit over the internet and found many variations like << Invicta>>, << Invicibelum>>, << Invicibilem>>, << Aestas>>, << Aestatem>>, << Aestat>> etc... Unfortunately i am a latin newbie, all i know are some quotes i read online and like you guys say "google traduction will ensure you fail".
I'm looking forward for you help and thank you for your answers.
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  • Aedilis


If you're just naming the concept of an "invincible summer" in a way that's dissociated from the grammar of the complete quote then aestas invicta will work. (It would have a different form within the quote, aestatem invictam.)

I'm curious why you want to quote this in Latin in your essay when Latin wasn't the language that Camus wrote in?


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

For a raw draft, I was thinking of Media in hieme, inveni intra me aestatem [invinctam/ invincibilem]


New Member


If you're just naming the concept of an "invincible summer" in a way that's dissociated from the grammar of the complete quote then aestas invicta will work. (It would have a different form within the quote, aestatem invictam.)

I'm curious why you want to quote this in Latin in your essay when Latin wasn't the language that Camus wrote in?
thank you for your help
i'm not going to use the full quote, just the invicible summer part in the title to embody camus's vision


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Do you think the idea "invincible summer" makes sense in Latin? Wouldn't it be better to use the "unconquered sun" (Sol invictus)?