Monumental brass rubbing, Otley Church, Yorkshire


New Member

Hi, below I've attached an image of a brass rubbing from which is apart of my family heritage. I've always wondered what the text had said, but online translators really proved to be useless. If anybody could take a shot at it, I would be more than grateful. Thanks!



  • Censor

  • Patronus

litore aureo
Plurima Lindlorum, templo conduntur in isto
Ultima Palmsorum (?) corpora bina iacente
Gloria certa viri non est, sunt omnia vana
Nec faciunt clarum stemmata clara virum
Hoc virtutis opus: iustus ceu palma virebit
Nam dotes animi, nulla sepulchra tegunt
Anno Domini 1593

Many Lindlays are buried in this templ
The last two bodies of the Palmers? lie
Man does not have certain glory, all is empty
Nor do illustrious family trees make an illustrious man
This is the work of virtue: he will bloom upright like a palm
For no tombs cover the dowry of the soul

1593 AD



  • Censor

  • Patronus

litore aureo
I haven't done the bit at the top though, or the family tree