Motto: "In service of those who follow"


New Member

I am trying to create a new motto for an alumni association I am working with, and I need help getting it translated into Latin. The motto is "in service of those who follow". The idea I'm trying to get across is that the alumni are serving, helping, and building up the people who come after them. Taking care of the next generation, both as an example to follow and as a resource to turn to. Any suggestions on how to convey that idea in Latin? I don't mind tweaking the English translation if the overall idea can be conveyed better by a different wording in Latin. Thank you very much for the help!


New Member

Thank you! Two more questions. Can you provide some context as to the word 'munere'? Doesn't it usually have the connotation of a monetary gift or bribe? Also, is there a major difference in meaning between 'posteritatis' and 'sequentis', or is it just whichever one we like better? Would either one make better sense to be used in this context? Thank you again for your help!


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Western Europe
Perhaps (cf. Cic. Qfr. 1.1.27):

respecting one single person or institution/organization:

Posteritatis commodis serviens

[verbatim: being of service to the advantage of posterity]

or respecting a plurality:

Posteritatis commodis servientes.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

Western Europe
Instead of posteritatis you may use posterorum (gen. of posteri, i.e. coming generations):

Posterorum commodis serviens / … servientes.