Sermon by Ramon Llull

Luiz Guerra

New Member

  • Patronus

Hi, I'm trying to translate a compilation of sermons for my research. I'm doing fine on most of it, but I'm having trouble with some specific parts, I would apreciate if someone could translate these for me:

“Item sunt aliqui, qui reddunt se vanae gloriae huius mundi; sicut milites quasi omnes et alii, qui diligunt pompas mundi, prodigi et hypocritae apparentes. Et sicut luxuoriosi, amasii, pugiles propter mundum. Et sic de multis aliis, quae narrare esset longum” (p. 196)

“sicut equus militis est piger, si miles non vult, quod equus multum fatigetur, sic est accidia, si potentiae superiores nolunt, quod inferiores sint in labore III 382,27” (p. 544)

“Et ideo tu, male praelate, considera, quod Iudaei et Saraceni, etiam gentiles, propter defectum intellectus agentis permanente in errore” (p. 33) - “Post mortem apostolorum per aliquod tempus cessavit praedicatio propter Mahometum cum suis sequacibus venenosis. Tunc temporis fuerunt punctuose in vinea natae spinae, eo quia factus fuit Mahometus cum suis sequacibus, Saracenis” (p. 54)

"Infideles credunt bene facere in destruindo christianos, sicut in apostolorum tempore faciebant; et sic de Saracenis in modernis temporibus potest dici. (...) Et ideo religiosi et praelati intelligentes male faciunt, eo quia ipsis Saracenis non praedicant veritatem fidei christianae, illuminando ipsos de fide catholica christiana (...)” (p. 103)

“Et sic, breviter recolligendo, vos habetis, qualiter infideles credunt bene facere, quando destruunt christianos. Et qualiter credunt, quod lex sua sit melior, quam sit nostra. Habetis etiam, qualiter nesciunt Saraceni modum, per quem credimus et tenemus fidem nostram, secundum quod vobis iuravit ille [Ramon Llull], qui diu conversatus fuit cum illis in partibus transmarinis” (p. 105)

“Princeps debet esse Iesu villicus in hac vita. Sed malus princeps plus intendit ad dominium sui ipsius, quam ad dominium Iesu Christi; et sic dissipat dominium Iesu, destruit et corrumpit. Ratione cuius dissipationis sunt gentiles, schismatici et etiam Saraceni, qui quase dissipant dominium Iesu Christi” (p.146)

Many thanks



  • Aedilis


Here's a translation of the first bit:

"Similarly, there are people who give themselves over to the vain glory of this world: like soldiers, for example (almost all of them), and others who love the pomps of the world, obvious prodigals and hypocrites; and like the debauchees, lovers, champions for the world. And so is it with many other things, which it would be long to speak of."

The whole is too much for me to translate for free.

Luiz Guerra

New Member

  • Patronus


Here's a translation of the first bit:

"Similarly, there are people who give themselves over to the vain glory of this world: like soldiers, for example (almost all of them), and others who love the pomps of the world, obvious prodigals and hypocrites; and like the debauchees, lovers, champions for the world. And so is it with many other things, which it would be long to speak of."

The whole is too much for me to translate for free.
I've already made a donation to be able to post in the paid translation section, but the website is not allowing me yet. I would gladly negotiate with you a price for the other phrases.

Thanks a lot for the help!



  • Censor

  • Patronus

litore aureo
Strange, I can see the donation, but it didn't automatically label you as a patronus. I have moved the thread.