the gods created spirits out of the sky

john abshire

Well-Known Member

  • Patronus

Di animos creant et eos in corpora hominum e caelo mittunt.
1-the gods created spirits and sent them into the bodies of men out of the sky.
2-the gods created spirits out of the sky and sent them into the bodies of men.

assuming my translation(s) are correct;
sentence 2 I think expresses the thought more clearly.
At least the two translations are different, and how do you know which one is correct?
i.e. it is the spirits that were created out of the sky (sentence 2) not men that were created out of the sky (sentence 1). Is there a way to know with this (inflected) language?



  • Aedilis

Translation 1 is closer to being correct. The position of e caelo in the sentence clearly indicates that it goes with mittunt, not with creant:

- Di animos creant

- eos in corpora hominum e caelo mittunt.

E caelo
is in the second part.

But look again at the tense of the verbs.
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