Bacchae, line 129 - κτύπον εὐάσμασι Βακχᾶν‎ - how to translate?

Phoebus Apollo

Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

I'm really not sure how to translate this line, since both κτυπον and βακχαν appear like finite verbs to me. Here's some context:

βακχείᾳ δʼ ἀνὰ συντόνῳ‎
κέρασαν ἁδυβόᾳ Φρυγίων‎
αὐλῶν πνεύματι ματρός τε Ῥέας ἐς‎
χέρα θῆκαν‎, κτύπον εὐάσμασι Βακχᾶν‎·

Lots of translations I've seen say '...and they put it (the kettledrum) into the hand of mother Rhea, to beat time for the cries of the Bacchants' - but as far as I know, there's no indication of a purpose clause, or is there?

I'm not sure whether either κτυπον or βακχαν is a noun, but I can't seem to make sense of it even if one of them is?
Help would be appreciated!