Język Polski


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

The meme reads:
Rabbits jump and live 8 years.
Dogs run and live 15 years.
Tortoises do nothing and live 150 years.
The conclusion is simple.

Terry S.


  • Aedilis

  • Patronus

How very conciliatory of the authors of this Polish meme to use a Russian tortoise.


Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

In Poland we call bio-survailance "firankologia" (= courtains-o-logy), on rural Poland there is even a special academic subject of firankologia stosowana (= eng. applied window peeping)



Civis Illustris

  • Civis Illustris

The mastermind, Dante Giacosa, tried to make cheap cars, easy to repair. They weren't as good as the German competitors at the time, but they were indeed functional and affordable. Sometimes I wonder what those old-school engineers would say about nowaday's cars if they were still alive :oops:
If I met Mr Giacosa I would buy him a beer or two. Maluch (Fiat 125) is one hell of a sturdy little car. :hat:
I would imagine the engineers of the golden era of motorisation [i.e. '60s and '70s] would first facepalm and then cry rivers of tears:(
Back in those times cars were made to last for years; now they are made to last four years.